lenscraftLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / lenscraft

lenscraft has selected their winning logo design.

For $600 they received 547 designs from 83 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

United States
What We Do
Ron Lussier is an artistic and travel photographer, and his site is lenscraft.com
Color Preferences
I like the use of green, white, & rich blues. I do not want red, and I'm neutral about gray (ha!)... it would have to be an 'interesting' off-gray tone and would have to look good against the gray background used on my site.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
I am looking for a logo that can also be converted to use (in whole or part) as a watermark on images, and which can be shrunk to use as a favicon for my web site. (Site in progress, as well as examples of my photography, at http://lenscraft.smugmug.com/)

I prefer sans-serif fonts, and always use 'lenscraft' in all-lower-case.

I don't want a glossy or shiny logo.


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1 2 3 ... 8 9 10 1 ... 10 Next >


Logo Designer
Hello! Here are some hints for getting the most out of your contest:

~~ Rank designs daily -- this will encourage more participation.
~~ Ranking designs daily will also keep your contest from getting cluttered.
~~ The more feedback you provide, the better results you are going to see.
~~ Designers are not offended by "Not Interested"
~~ Over-use of "Not Interested" discourages participation.
~~ Ranking is a non-monetary means of showing appreciation for designers hard work.
~~ Designers earn points for ranked designs. We like to earn points.

1st place - 50 points
2nd place - 20 points
3rd place - 10 points
4-6th place - 5 points
7-10 place - 3 points
10th on - 1 point

More detailed information on how to get the most out of your contest can be found here:

15 years ago
Logo Designer
Lenscraft thank you for at least looking at my submissions
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Lack of consideration, it's very time consuming to rank more designs
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Mysterious are the ways of LT..
15 years ago
Logo Designer
are new artists still welcome in this contest?
dear ch, please look at this discussion -> https://logotournament.com/forum/general_discussion/4641
(someone has open the 'pandora box'...)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
I'm glad you appreciated all of the hard work that us designers spent on your contest. :-(
15 years ago
Logo Designer
I thought the same thing...
15 years ago
Logo Designer
This is what I received for on of mine : Design #83 is interesting, but I don't like that the outer circle has been broken... it just doesn't work as well.
15 years ago
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