Gwinnett MagazineLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / Gwinnett Magazine
Gwinnett Magazine has selected their winning logo design.
For $475 they received 683 designs
from 82 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Design Brief
The jubilant pursuit of health, wealth and happiness!
What We Do
This is a masthead/logo for a regional magazine in North Atlanta, Georgia, USA. It's a 25 year old magazine that serves young and old. A magazine for all the citizens. Vibrant, engaged, thriving community magazine.
Color Preferences
Since this is a masthead magazine logo, the color will change over time to match the photography of the particular cover photo- So it needs to be something that will look good in any color
Our Ideas & Additional Information
Attached is a photo of how our magazine masthead has looked through the years. WE're looking for some fresh ideas on how we might do the layout and masthead/logo of the magazine.
It's time for an updated look. Something that our readers will notice as current, and evolving with the times, while at the same time, having "timeless" traits so it can be used for years to come.
It's time for an updated look. Something that our readers will notice as current, and evolving with the times, while at the same time, having "timeless" traits so it can be used for years to come.