Dear Contest Holder,
Thank you for choosing me as the winner,
I've sent all the variation files as we discussed.
I'm ready to send if there are still files needed
I like the way this looks with square and type under- Only prob I have is no place for the tagline- but I'll figure that out on the cover layout. I'm selecting this one as the winner and planning on you sending me all your variations of this as we discussed. Thank you! Great work! Winner process starting in a few mins!
Hi Riries- We have two entirely different directions we're going to consider and I'd like to pick the winner today- I'll sway our vote your way if you can just supply the variations you created along the way. Our team can't decide on one right now....but I'm pushing for your general design- I'd like to pick you as winner, get the variations and then my team can work on the format of your design they end up liking the best. Will that work for you?
The distinct element of your design is the G. having the variations in layouts, square, round, horz and vert will be helpful. If I choose you, can you provide art that has all the variations of layout in your files?
I like the treatment for the G. Is there something you can do to make "magazine" smaller so the emphasis stays on "GWINNETT". Also the tagline needs to move some how, maybe be in italics? Something to keep it all from looking so "blocky" Another variation to look at might be to lose the square- and just stylize the G in the word Gwinnett. If I go with this design we'd need a range of treatments for that "G" Horz., Vert, with a box and without. This one is def among my top 3 choices right now- and perhaps is the leader- I"m going to keep studying it. Thank you!
Comment Activity
Thank you for choosing me as the winner,
I've sent all the variation files as we discussed.
I'm ready to send if there are still files needed
Kind regards,
I’ll pick u winner today-
thank you,
if you pick me as winner, i will give you the variations you want
Please advise to improve further.
thank you,
Thanks for the valuable feedback. If you choose me , i will provide all the variations .Please advise to improve further.
warm regards,
Thanks for the valuable feedback.
Please advise to improve further.
warm regards,