We've reviewed the concepts posted, and they've really helped us define what we're going for. We've generated some ideas this morning based on what we've seen. If you like anything I post here, feel free to run with it. We are aware that some are rather intricate and would take some time, so if you want to post something rough to give us a feel for the concept without spending a lot of time fleshing it out, that's fine with us.
Considering what we're looking for, we'll be raising the prize amount.
A note on designs: We like some of the word form designs, but we think we definitely want some kind of symbol to go with the cool word form. I'll edit the brief to reflect that.
Also, we definitely want to stay away from generic symbols, such as spheres. A spherical design would be okay as long as it has some tie to a higher message.
We want a more technology-centered brand, and if possible, we want to reflect the cerebral nature of our work.
We also prefer designs that are on a white background.
1. I personally like trees, and I like the idea that trees are essentially tessellations. Here is an example of a tree that shows its tessellational nature:
http://www.camtech.ntu.edu.sg/cag/images/tree2.jpg2. Mosaics. An example:
http://image.shutterstock.com/display_pic_with_logo/259882/259882,1307541240,2/stock-vector-abstract-vector-background-of-rainbow-colored-mosaic-eps-78826363.jpg3. Mesh. Examples:
http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-FwUaqDPLmoU/Tgo23NvZ3rI/AAAAAAAAAn8/d0UrpDO2ZiI/s1600/treepolys.pnghttp://www.creativebush.com/tutorials/images/IllustratorScreenSnapz022.jpg(This last one is mesh over a face. We wouldn't want it over a face; we're discussing what we could put it over.)
4. Tessellations
This image shows a leaf as a tessellation:
http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/79/77/58/7977580adba5bf91be647e9851836910.jpgAnd here is another leaf tessellation. We like the colors of this. Of course, this is a famous tessellation example, but it caught the eye of several of us.
http://i1.cpcache.com/product_zoom/333558317/celtic_leaf_tesselation_zip_hoodie.jpg?height=250&width=250&padToSquare=true5. An illustration of a synapse. Here is an example what what that might look like:
http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_IdE-xwjB1Kc/S6SYuH1oqPI/AAAAAAAAGNg/t67NcvWeb-s/s1600-h/Memristor-A-Device-That-Mimics-Brains-Synaptic-Action.jpgand another:
http://www.nansenneuro.net/images/synapse_brain_connections.jpg6. The brain
This image of the brain sort of looks like there is a tree in it. I like the colors (though we wouldn't want a dark background):
http://www.ucalgary.ca/utoday/files/utoday/styles/utoday_general_photo/public/mni_mesh_brain_and_fibres_300dpi_0.jpg?itok=HPGTFIIQThe following is sort of a mosaic / mesh of the brain:
http://software.incf.org/software/iso2mesh/a-complex-human-brain-mesh-generated-by-iso2mesh-1/image_preview7. Something with the blowout effect
Like this:
http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/9b/3f/f5/9b3ff52e00082005450fd77dad46550b.jpgbut maybe with a brain or a sound wave or something else?
If you read all of that, thank you for your consideration and review. We hope this is helpful.