FocusLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Focus Focus has selected their winning logo design. For $375 they received 149 designs from 36 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Logo Design Brief Edit Client ronreed United States Slogan Bringing Service Into Focus What We Do INtegrates a number of operational systems into a customer support system Industry Financial Color Preferences Blue & Gold Our Ideas & Additional Information This is to be used for an internal software application that will be used for customers service. Themes SimpleColorfulNecessityModernRefinedSecure Entries Order by Ranking Entry Number Order by Ranking Entry Number 1st greenlite Withdrawn 2nd agus 3rd WYN Withdrawn 4th denzu Withdrawn 5th denzu Withdrawn 6th greenlite Withdrawn 7th denzu Withdrawn 8th denzu Withdrawn 9th WYN Withdrawn 10th denzu Withdrawn New piyetoki Withdrawn New denzu Withdrawn New WYN Withdrawn New WYN Withdrawn New denzu Withdrawn New agus Withdrawn New greenlite Withdrawn New greenlite Withdrawn New agus Withdrawn New agus Withdrawn New agus Withdrawn New rezfan Withdrawn New Uta Withdrawn New ALKR Withdrawn New denzu Withdrawn New favy & the zaaf Withdrawn New ebonk Withdrawn New greenlite Withdrawn New greenlite Withdrawn New WYN Withdrawn New denzu Withdrawn New denzu Withdrawn New denzu Withdrawn New denzu Prefers others. zrox Prefers others. nong Prefers others. nong Prefers others. nong Withdrawn Prefers others. agus Withdrawn Prefers others. Craft Withdrawn Prefers others. agus Withdrawn Prefers others. agus Withdrawn Prefers others. HerDish Withdrawn Prefers others. rezfan Withdrawn Prefers others. rezfan Withdrawn Prefers others. rezfan Withdrawn Prefers others. ALKR Withdrawn Prefers others. ichisofyan Withdrawn Prefers others. wep Withdrawn Prefers others. wep Withdrawn Prefers others. piyetoki Withdrawn Prefers others. piyetoki Withdrawn Prefers others. IdeaLab Withdrawn Prefers others. IdeaLab Withdrawn Prefers others. Kystell Withdrawn Prefers others. Kystell Withdrawn Prefers others. de.sign Withdrawn Prefers others. de.sign Withdrawn Prefers others. Kystell Withdrawn Prefers others. denzu 1 2 3 1 ... 3 Next > Discussion ronreed Client Our website is NWPSC.COM to get a clearer understanding of our existing logos and colors. We'd like to keep to those colors and themes. 10 years ago ronreed Client The logo will be used in a banner at the top of a computer screen for the most part, so it needs to be more rectangular than square. 10 years ago ronreed Client Some technical feedback. We'll also be interested in a FAV icon of the logo we select.The logo dimensions will need to be...1) That is a FAV icon2) One that is no more than 18 pixels high3) A larger version we can resize for mugs and shirts. 10 years ago ronreed Client I'm sure everyone knows, but the FAV icon we'll need is for the URL line in the browser, so when we're in the web based application it will show the user they're in this specific application/portal as opposed to other solutions we provide that they may be in. We'll be glad to supplement the prize money for this additional work. 10 years ago ronreed Client I just received specific color specs from our Marketing Team:Please present using the following:Here are the PMS colors if you HAPPEN to need them…Blue: 287CYellow: 108C 10 years ago