Fitness EnhancementLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Fitness Enhancement

Fitness Enhancement has selected their winning logo design.

For $315 they received 257 designs from 37 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

Personal Training Studios
What We Do
One on one personal fitness training for busy people who hate image conscious Gyms.
Color Preferences
See our website A similar red and yellow scheme needs to be kept. Where possible (shirts, sign writing etc) we often use metallic gold instead of yellow.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
This is a revamp of our current logo, see The current logo looks dated is crowded and doesn't show what we stand for. The new logo needs to have similarities to the old on so customers still recognise us. The arrows we use are to represent moving forwards, so arrows need to be included. The logo needs to be able to work with or with out Personal Training Studios (or other slogans) included.


Order by
Entry Number





















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1 2 3 4 5 1 ... 5 Next >


Thanks for the entries!

#5 Intripidguppy, you're on the right track, I like the way the arrow has been incorporated in a more modern stylish and clever design. Please use a softer, less masculine font (although I can appreciate you were trying to copy the current font), even a handwriting or paintbrush style for either the text or arrows is okay. It's okay to deviate from my logo more if it means I get the right logo. Please show me a few variations in styles, colours etc.

The above comments go for anyone else submitting a logo too thanks.

#1 NHR, I like the idea of changing the arrows, but it still has the same dated look as my current logo, please make it more modern and show me some variations.

#10 Identity Pro. Please make this more of a logo/design, right idea but it kind of looks like just text with arrows, not a distinctive modern logo.

#6 Kikko. Please read the design brief, the logo must show we are professional and friendly, the muscle man on your logo is the opposite of this!? Plus the rest of the logo hasn't really changed.

#4 Elite Design and #2 Sihanss. The Pictures on yours above the text have nothing to do with our current logo, plus the text is just plain text, which I could do myself and not use logo tournament.
16 years ago
#11 Please see comments above and find a softer font etc. Please delete picture of person running, there's no need to add an entire new and different picture on top of the arrows. The arrows are to represent "moving forward" and "progessing towards achieving your goal", yours look a bit like a play button on a remote control, so please update.
16 years ago
Everyone please make sure the fonts and the styles you use are modern, stylish and clean. Some of them look at bit like they're from the 1980's!
16 years ago
To anyone who has had "not interested" put on theirs, it's because it doesn't follow the contest brief at all. I'm open to new ideas, but it needs to follow the contest brief still!
16 years ago
To all designers.

Please make sure the fonts, arrows and general style are stylish, modern, simple and clean. This is essential! Please have a look at the Slim Scents contest, a most of these logos have the style I'm talking about.

Ideally, the arrows need to be incorporated into the text, not just some arrows next to text. The only person who has come close to this so far is entry #5 Intripidguppy, although his logo is still too chunky. Entires #15, #1, #20, #16 and #25 are no where near the style I want (as they don't follow most of the above) but I have ranked them and left them up as at least they are trying to incorporate the arrows into text.
16 years ago
This is a huge improvement on yesterday as most of you seem to understand the style I want now! I think some of you made the logo strong and masculine because we are a Gym. We are the OPPOSITE to the stereotypical Gym, our clients (both male and female) come to us because they don't feel comfortable in a masculine or image consious Gym.

Most of the time the logo will be on a white background, as our shirts are white (see my website for these) and so is my new car. Plus it will still need to look good when it is photcopied onto white paper with a black and white photocopier. It's easy for me to imagine your logo in different colours, so please put most of your time into different styles, rather than the colours and backdrops.
16 years ago
Just to update everyone! Font wise Carrion #86 has the best font, modern, stylish, clean and smooth but still easy to read. The top 4 are ranked there because of the way they have been able to tie the arrows into the logo and make it one stylish flowing logo.

I'm am still also interested in anyone who can do one with a hand writing or paint brush styles either for the text or the arrows.
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Why almost everybody uses intrepidguppy's idea (arrowed "N").
This is alowed here?
You will split the price at the end or what?
No rules, no fair play?
16 years ago
Thanks everyone I really appreciate the hard work! The top ranked logos look great, I think it's the small changes on these ones that will make all the difference as they are very good! The other ranked logos all have really good potential and good ideas, but they all need lots of work to be in the same league as the top few. I will be on here as much as possible to give feedback, please read my feedback properly as well the posts above this one if you really want to win. Especially my comments as at 3:30pm on the 21st in regards to what the logo will go on. #105 is partly ranked 1st as it is very easy to read. I can read it on the screen from 3 meters away. If you can't read yours from 3 meters away please fix it until you can. From now on everyone please use a white back drop with red and yellow text ONLY with NO shading or highlighting. It must look good with the two basic colours, it's easy to add shading or highlights later. This will make it easier for me to compare. If you follow this anyone can still win!Thanks again and good luck!
16 years ago
It's a close contest! And at this stage the top 4 logos (3 designers) are pretty much all equal #1, they just need a little fine tuning. I have left others up there that have good potential, they can still easily win if you follow the design brief correctly, but they will not win if you don't. So please don't put up lots of little changes, it won't be enough to win. I still haven't seen one single logo that correctly uses a brush style arrow!?!? Initially I thought whoever did this style well would be the winner, however nobody has tried to do this? Please give this a go as it looks like no one will compete with this style! I love my current top 4 but anyone can still win it if you read the design brief and many comments correctly and remember to base it on my old logo. For anyone in position #5 or lower, if you want to win please don't copy the ideas of #1 to #4, read the design brief and my comments, look at my old logo and give me somthing that will blow me away!
16 years ago
Intripidguppy is by far the #1 choice. Do not copy him as I will still choose him over someone who stole his idea. He can still be beaten though! If you want to win read the above post and give me somthing amazing with brush strokes that isn't a copy of someone elses arrows or font! #176 has the right idea, but is nowhere near the winner. I'll leave it to you guys to give me something better!
16 years ago
Logo Designer
I have a new design that really different with other contestant, #218 please give me a feedback
16 years ago
Logo Designer
#210, #218, #228, please give me feedback, so i can change or revision with my design as soon as possible before contest closed. thanks
16 years ago
Logo Designer
ops!. i think my new designs not interesting yet?
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Sorry for all my entry that is not in accordance with the wishes of, hope the best choice is the best Fitness Enhancement logo design, I need to learn more next time, Congratulation!
16 years ago
Logo Designer
any news here??
16 years ago
Sorry everyone for the delay in selecting a winner. I had a truck rear end my car (with me in it!) so I have been out of action. I'm fine now but my car was destroyed. At least insurance is paying for my new logo and car now!

Thanks for the hardwork everyone, it's a shame only one winner can be selected. Intridguppy partly got the win, not only because I liked his best, but because from his very first entry he understood the concept I was after, so it will be a lot easier when he does my business cards etc.
16 years ago
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