one suggestion; regarding the feather-on-water's-surface design idea (or any other concept) please feel free to work in the name and mantra as an overlay to the graphic...for example, if the feather/ripple image was in a circular shape, with the text curved above and below...
While we will consider horizontal orientated designs as well, we'd really like to see some images that are close to congruent in height and width, to allow for printing on gift boxes, etc (in other words, that will fit well within a square field)
Ideally, we'd end up with one concept that could be orientated two different ways, either linear-ly (banners, skinny business cards, headlines in promotional materials) or centralized (t-shirts, gift boxes or bags, item tags, postcards, website or image "watermark")
Sorry for the weird terminology, if this doesnt make sense, or if you have any questions please ask!!!