Thanks, artists, for the ideas so far. I'll give you each some individual feedback in a bit, but one thing that I should probably make clear (particularly for those of you not living in the USA and/or if any of you don't speak English as a first language) is that the words "anal" and "log" aren't concepts that I want to be part of my brand - hopefully for obvious reasons - so any stylistic choices that can be used to de-emphasize the two words individually and emphasize the idea behind the name, which is meant to convey a sense of reassuringly "vintage" values, integrity and conduct. Using a script font is obviously helpful in making the word stand on its own as much as possible, but the font also needs to be not be so stylized that it becomes hard to read. As I wrote to one of you directly, I wish my job and company could be so cool that I could have a kitsch component to my logo (radio motif, cassette-tape-as-letter, etc. - both of which I loved, btw), my job and my business aren't fun or cool, so the amount of room for clever design elements is, unfortunately, smaller than I wish. Oh, and all I do is commercial real estate, mainly shopping centers, so any imagery that resembles a residence is sending exactly the opposite signal that a commercial shop needs to send. Now, a Streamline Moderne storefront as a background or compositional element could be another story...
Thanks again,