Howdy. Thanks for submitting some ideas. I'm new to using this sort of site and I'm not sure exactly how it works, but I put some general feedback on my contest feedback page that would probably be helpful for you to read. I LOVE the cassette tape for the "o" in "analog" (and the boom box in entry #14), but I need to be careful not to appear too much like a professional guitar player who is trying to sell buildings (probably because I am) and, instead, convey the impression that mine is a a cooler-than-average-but-not-flakey professional service firm with a thoughtful, creative owner.
A few more specifics would be that a pitched roof like the one you used (as opposed to flat roofs like most shopping centers) generally conveys residential real estate, rather than my specialty, commercial. Also, I think a script font makes it easier to hide the words "anal" and "log," from being as obvious - and problematic - as they can be in more plain text.
I like the font you use in the sub-head and wonder if it would be possible to straighten out the roof line of entries 13 and 14 and incorporate a horizontal roofline (along the line of the Frank Lloyd Wright-esque design aesthetic used by Target in the USA for the last ten years or so) to evoke the image of a commercial building? I also like the monochrome approach of 15 - and the color overall - but don't particularly care for the font (and, again, am not cool enough to get away with the cassette character), so if you wanted to take a pass at that sort of design but with those elements changed (perhaps a compass inside of the "o"?), I think that could be cool. Oh, and I'm not crazy about either of the gold/goldenrod colors in in 14 and 13.
I hope that feedback is helpful. I look forward to seeing your revisions.