Our Ideas & Additional Information
First thing: "Gárgula" means gargoyle in english, so we NEED you to design one of those in our logo. It doesn't matter it's size, if it's full-bodied represented, where it is located or how visible it is (why not hidden?). Gargoyles are legendary mystic creatures and very famous in Paris, where they become alive during the nights to hunt. Associated to gothic arts, they represent fear but also mistery.
We base ourselfs a lot in the north american brewery labels, which are non-linear, fun and hypnotic... our gargoyle is not supposed to be so serious as the ones seen on churches, we preoritize attitude, sarcasm and fun.
Another important thing is that the word "Gárgula" is the essence of the brand... the gargoyle is a kind of ornament.
The most important thing is the name.
And by the way, we ARE NOT into GERMAN BEER LABELS, which are serious and conservative.