Hello Trinova!
So, we thought about all the logos you sent to us and we decided that we want to work with the idea of the logo number #12 with some simple changes.
1. We definetely want the typefont of the logo number #46. Dont forget the accent ´´´´ please!
2. The only thing that we dont like about the logo number #12 it's the white drop inside the body of the gargoyle. Maybe you could try to replace that by a Hop considering that it is the second ingredients of the beer (the wheat its already in there).
3. We didn't like the purple in the background. You could try blue like this one and even the same effect. The logo can be metalic then or other color that you like.
http://www.cervejariabamberg.com.br/imgs/produtos/weizen_combo.jpgthank you for your good work, you are in the right path
Best regards.