Hello, heru!
We had a new team meeting today and you've been selected to integrate our Top 5! Congratulations for the hard work you've done until now.
We have some new feedback on your drawings to help with the designing for the next fase of the tournament:
1) We liked you #106 logo, but we want to suggest a few modifications for it:
- The gargoyle must have a less "happy" face... Try making its face look more sarcastic, trickster...
- About the beer cup, we were thinking about making the beer look more red (since we brew Red Ales, essencially) and the cup itself to be a TANKARD (such as this:
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/1/1e/Tankard_pewter2.jpg - but transparent, so we can see the beer color).
- We want the white circle that the gargoyle comes out from to actually BE THE MOON! Try adding some craters and stuff (
- Last thing, we would like you to create a cool handwriting for the word "Gárgula" and place it following the lower outside edge of the logo. Remember to equilibrate the size of the drawing with the size of the handwriting.
Thank you and good luck on this next fase of our tournament.
Gárgula Team