Thanks for responding to my message. I like the stylized "W" idea very much. As I look at it though I keep thinking of things I would like you to try although every one of my ideas is probably worse than what is there. I'll keep thinking about it. I like the more formal font in #37 better although the sans serif in #39 shows up better when the logo is small. If you don't mind, I would love to see a version in all caps. I would like to see a version with "Partners" a little larger, perhaps centered or same width as Wit Creek.
If you would take out the highlights on the blue and green corner areas of the stylized "W" in #43 and take out the light shadow underneath and put a modest space between Wit and Creek that would be great. Thanks.
You are still in the running. I like that your design plays very well in horizontal or vertical and has a very distinct but still casual and abstract "W"
I am going to put you in #1 for a little while so you and provide any additional designs you were thinking of as well as some tweaks to the ones you submitted if you wouldn't mind.
#44 looks great except there should be a little more space between Wit and Creek. It would also be nice to use the design from #85 that does not have the highlights, etc.
I would like to see both vertical and horizontal logo orientations. I would also like to see both the blue on green and the blue on blue (#86) versions.
One thing I had been thinking of ever since seeing your submissions was not having the "stream" flow uphill in places (which makes the W stand out nicely however) and of course before I could suggest anything, another designer took a crack at it and intentionally or accidentally accomplished just that. You might take another look at this part of the design to see if anything interesting can be tried.
#195 is looking very good. A couple of final requests: Can you use the same size font for Partners in #193 and #194 and reduce the spacing between the letters? Keep partners centered. On the logo symbol, what would it look like to have blue and green "halves" of the design offset a little to the right and left of one another, as if the two halves separated by the negative space "W" in between slipped a bit. I hope you understand what I mean by this.
Word "Partners" is bigger now #199 and if I understood good, blue part is moved on left and green part on right. Is that what you have on mind, or something different?
#199 is along the lines I was asking - but it makes the W fatter and didn't really add anything.
On the Partners font spacing, I was trying to say for #193 and #194 and reduce the spacing between the letters so that the P and s of partners are not necessarily lined up with the W and k of Wit Creek - like in #195 only with the same font size as #193 and #194.
Lots to look at - thanks for making so many new versions. I am loving the look of the fonts in #210 which look very crisp and nicely proportioned. The rounded corners in #210 and other designs look nice. Two rounded corners as in #216 is also very interesting. I am not crazy about the extra blue line tracing the "W" in the symbol but am interested to see the original design with rounded corners. I am not sure that will look best with the font though. The proportion of symbol to text size for a vertical version should be like in #209 or #44, but for the horizontal should be like #216 or #217. Specific versions I would like to see: #210 text with #193 symbol, - also symbol with rounded corners - also in vertical version Versions of #86 and #196 with same color scheme using fonts as proportioned in #210.
Thanks so much for working with me on all these picky requests.