These are looking nice. I have to talk with others to get more specific feedback but one thing to note is we want "vaasnet" to be a single color so as not separate vaas from net (we want it to be read as a single word). #75 is my favorite right now.
One other thing is that we want a horizontal logo with the icon on the left hand side. So we would want #75 and #74 in a layout like #78. And all of them with a single color for the name Vaasnet.
#79 - We do not really like the sunflower at the end but it did invoke an image of a computer power on button. Would you be able to create a design like #79 that has a connotation of a power on button.
#95 - Does not look like a power on button to several of us. We are seeing a door knocker or an earing. :) But two of us do like the green color you have here.
#96 - I see what you are going for with #96... trying to combine the power-on button and a cloud. Great concept and we would love it if you pursued it more but so far #96 (or #97) just does not get that all the way across. I know that it is a power-on and a cloud but our customers probably will not see that.
Regarding #87: we would like to get a modified version with the top-right corner removed from the icon. This would make the box open in the top-right and the dark gray would be removed and now only a single line would be used to define the V shape.
Here are a couple versions of #87 that we would love to see: 1) Change the font color to have black on top and green on the bottom (matching the colors in the icon) but split apart with some sort of arc like the font treatment in this logo: 2) Change the font color to have black on top and blue on the bottom (matching the colors in the icon) but split apart with an arc like the font treatment in this logo: 3) Remove the reflection and put a small shadow like you did in #132. 4) Change the font color to be a gradient of black to green from top-left to bottom-right (or something like that) matching the colors in the icon.
I have made the changes requested. I also took the liberty of making some additional combos for your consideration. Thanks again for the feedback. It's very helpful!
I know you are leaning towards my other design, but I did have one more idea about the "power on" button in the cloud. I think this is much nicer than my earlier similar concept.
Two more requests for #154/#155: 1) A version of #154 with orange in the top-right instead of black. (or just #157 with vaasnet in black on top and green on bottom) 2) A version of #155 with orange in the top-right instead of black. (or just #157 with vaasnet in black on top and blue on bottom)
We're all agreed on the design of #156 and #155. We're still trying to decide on the minor details. There are 2 things that we're wondering if you could try for us: - 156 with green on the bottom of the text - What would it look like if you try one example with the shape of the color in the font like this: (i.e. the curved line starts in the upper right or lower right and ends in the lower left or upper right.)
And 2 more slight changes. Hopefully we're nearly done. Can you try #260 (or with the revised font and line) but with the curved line moved slightly to the right so that the 'v' is completely green. Finally, can you try a version of #260 with a capital V
Requested changes...I will be out until Sunday PM. I will do some changes for no cost after the contest is over though, if you need me to. Thanks again!
#263 - Just realized why the word vaasnet, as displayed in #263, is bothering me... it is because the white line is a cut in the word which makes the letters "aasnet" look larger than the "v". Can we get a version of #263 with the cut going through both of the arms of the "v"? Maybe this will balance it out.
#264 - It looks off balanced as it is (see comment above). Can you make the cut include both arms of the letter "V"? And reposition the capital V so the bottom of the V is aligned with the bottom of the other letters.
One other comment is that the dip of the cut in #264 and #263 appears too low. In #260 you have it cutting through the second "a" at the midline and this is where we want it (as far as the second "a" is concerned). If possible try and use that as your reference point.
We also want a version of #260 but with the line in the word vaasnet just like it is in #198. Not an actual cut but a line. Going through both arms of the letter "v" and then dipping and rising again to the top-right with the line getting slightly larger from left to right. Not sure if this can be done though.
Thank you very much! We are very happy with all of your work.
Here are the additional changes. I also submitted one with a thin 1 point line. All of the font treatments that you see in this contest like these are actually cuts rather than lines. This way it will look good on any background. I tried to simulate the widening out of the line in the one logo #266. Problem is, If you dont do it as a cut you will see the line in between the letters as well...if you use a darker background at some point. Just FYI My favorite of these recent additions is #267
...also when the contest is over, even if I am fortunate enough to be chosen the winner, please consider putting a ranking on my other entries as well. It helps me move up the rankings and will actually help my chances of being invited to enter other contests. I am currently 88 of 7000...and it works a lot like google. The higher you are ranked, the more folks will see you, thus more work. The rankings are a nice reward for unchosen work.
You guys have been great with the feedback, you should write a book on how to be a helpful CH. Alot of people think we are mind!
#267 is going to be the winner but we have one last request of it. The "v" is either a slightly smaller font size or positioned higher than the other letters. If you draw a line across the bottom of the word vaasnet in #267 you will notice the v sitting about 2 pixels higher than the other letters but the top is in line with the other letters. Can you correct this and make the v just a hair larger and the bottom of the v justified with the other letters?
#155 - We like this one too but have decided to go with #267. If possible we would like #155 for the future but we are wondering if you could modify it just like #267 with the cut going through both arms of the "v".