#129 has potential. Maybe a touch simple and non-unique, but it looks attractive. Take a look at our most recent general comment about colors too. Thanks!
#136. Very interesting. This really caught our eye. We have mixed feelings but overall really like this. The strong white in the middle looks a bit like a horn though. Can you pull that and see how it looks? We aren't caught by the font, only the symbol.
I like what you're doing with the latest logos, although someone else pointed out that the strong black in the logo might be too much (doesn't match). I'm no designer so I'm not sure, but what would happen with orange and blue text instead of black and blue?
#198 and #199 are good but I am not sure we would be able to put them in first place because the icon does not link it back to the company name or the company purpose. Also the font color is not perfect... the orange and blue seem to clash a bit. Possibly going with green and blue or blue and black or black and green might be better.
#222. We have mixed though, but a couple of us really liked the designs that you were doing last night (#147). However, the feedback from others today was that it doesn't reflect our company name or purpose.
Your latest has the V in it, which is good, but I thought that #147 looked better. I'm not sure what to suggest to improve on it.