Usibelli Coal MineLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / Usibelli Coal Mine
Usibelli Coal Mine has selected their winning logo design.
For $875 they received 613 designs
from 51 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Design Brief
What We Do
Family owned, 4th generation company and the only operating above ground, surface coal mine in Alaska.
Color Preferences
I'd like the logo to stay within the same blue and yellow colors as our existing logo.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
We'd like to see a new logo that still feels connected to our current classic logo. The company will be celebrating our 75th anniversary in 2018 but I'd like to first focus on a new logo design before seeing versions with the anniversary attached to it.
We have an iconic coal seam and a dragline (see attachments) that are synonymous with Usibelli Coal Mine that could possibly be incorporated. I'd like to see a few versions of a new logo that incorporates the "UCM" letters from the current logo.
We have an iconic coal seam and a dragline (see attachments) that are synonymous with Usibelli Coal Mine that could possibly be incorporated. I'd like to see a few versions of a new logo that incorporates the "UCM" letters from the current logo.