I love this font, just not the colors overall. Can the coal seams be black (currently you have them white); can the foot of the dragline be blue and the top half be yellow (see actual photo of the equipment to see what I mean). I really, really like this new font.
Thanks for your design and your work on this logo. I was hoping you could make a few changes.
1. Delete the "Inc" in the company name.
2. The dragline and the coal seams kind of blend together, maybe adding some additional blue shading the the coal seams could help with that?
3. Can you center the word "Usibelli" under the 'UCM' and then put "Coal Mine centered under "Usibelli" - this would provide room to drop the dragline down a bit more too to make it stand out more.
4. Can you make the shape of the coal seams match the iconic shape of the one in the photo? That outcrop of coal as well as the dragline are unique only to our coal mine.
5. Can you update the font as well? I'll message you separately.
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1. Delete the "Inc" in the company name.
2. The dragline and the coal seams kind of blend together, maybe adding some additional blue shading the the coal seams could help with that?
3. Can you center the word "Usibelli" under the 'UCM' and then put "Coal Mine centered under "Usibelli" - this would provide room to drop the dragline down a bit more too to make it stand out more.
4. Can you make the shape of the coal seams match the iconic shape of the one in the photo? That outcrop of coal as well as the dragline are unique only to our coal mine.
5. Can you update the font as well? I'll message you separately.