To everyone: We like these colors...
Midnight Blue: Blue: the correct colors in CMYK PDF is very important. In order to win the contest, we will need to have a logo in CMYK PDF that prints out close to the above RGB colors. Please only submit designs if you can match the colors for CMYK PDF printing.
#5 looks the most like a logo as it is compact; remember we want to use this logo for different methods (social media thumbnail/T-shirt/web/signs, etc). Please avoid making the logo long and wide, and try to make it more compact or circular that does not take up much space.
#4 is very clever, but it resembles a dancer balancing on one leg which is not our business. From a fatloss perspective, resistance training is the cornerstone of our fatloss programming, and it's our goal to work every muscle group hard, frequently, and at a level that creates a huge metabolic disturbance that leaves the metabolism elevated for several hours post-workout.
Thank you,
Train Better Fitness