top online awarenessLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / top online awareness

top online awareness has selected their winning logo design.

For $400 they received 103 designs from 6 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

United States
What We Do
Online marketing firm, runs branding and online marketing campaigns
Color Preferences
Always been a huge fan of superman so that color scheme is good. Blue, Red, Yellow
Our Ideas & Additional Information
The original Idea was a TOY TOP with the words online awareness on the top. THe TOP implying the word top. that top also had a string of yarn attached to it.and hidden in that string the words yarneting llc.(see attached...this could also go in the line showing motion of the top possibly) Then i really liked the idea of a smiley face on the top of the top with the spinner as a nose and turning is into a superhero type look (see attached) I chicken scratched idea there as well...none of my ideas have any color to them at the moment but i definitely want color.. Then the last Idea was to use a TOP hat instead of a TOP.but i did not like design for that so i am leaning more towards the spinning top, but if someone has a great idea submit it. Since this contest started I have had a ton of great entries I posted in general comment section that I am also not apposed to seeing a graphic to the left with the words top on it followed by the words online awareness written.then underscored with yarneting (yarn time String under.) It is a more traditional style graphic to left words to right but it allows a lot of flexibility for me down the road and is a mix of professional and playful.


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When you look at the attachments section you will notice two completed logos off to the right......i did not like the TOP hat one that much but it is not to say someone could not come up with a cool top hat type logo instead of going with the spinning top idea. As for the other Logo in the black and white TOP all the way to the right The only thing I really liked about that one was how the online awareness kind of pushes out at you. Reminds me of how the S pushes out at you on Superman etc....That partially gave me idea for the chicken scratch stuff i drew all the way to the left But obviously i am not an artist and have no idea how to bow the words.. Please let me know if you have any questions this is my first time ever using a site like this ( i prefer to pay graphics designers directly at a good rate .what you all do is worth every penny .unfortunately i had to go this route because I was going to be to much back and forth to get the idea i really wanted nailed down.....please do not hesitate to ask questions. at the end of this thing i am going to stay in touch with some of you as I will have regular monthly web banner work l need to pay for as I sign up clients. I am going to be building in monthly graphics design retainers into my clients as most of them see more value in that than the Adwords Campaigns i will run. I previously worked at a firm and in 7 months rattled off 23 clients for 31k a month in retainer. I hope to have the same success on my own.
10 years ago
This site is great and you designers are all ridiculously talented Ive looked at all your profiles who have submitted.keep em coming. If you want to try traditional style as well logo or graphic to left words to right (i know i did not ask for this) it might be cool to see that as well..One last thing i think i have told the three designers that have submitted and i realize now.that we do need to spell out the word TOp in the LOGO..most people will not pick up that the top is implied. But great work so far and thanks for all your creativeness!
10 years ago
Alright all you brilliant and creative designers I made some adjustments to the rankings...and left you all some more comments..i moved some things to not interested only because i figured it would make it clearer to anybody that also enters this contest later to not bother leaving the word TOP off of the logo.....that is not any of your faults just something i discovered as i saw more logos was that we will have to have the word top in this thing somewhere. You all are making great adjustments on all of my feedback truly appreciate it! Sorry if the ranking adjustments seem crazy the top spot got bumped by some of the same persons own designs...i am getting a lot off feedback from other business owners etc in the area and if it is not in the TOP 5 it is simply because it was not the most frequently selected from outsiders input. Also don't forget to see my above comment I feel a more traditional style could have a great shot at winning this thing. Even though that is not what i asked for originality. Going with that style (Graphic to left words to right , or just graphic somewhere then words... gives me the opportunity to have the best of both worlds a brand identifiable graphic/mascot and then an easily readable professional brand look this is what we do.
10 years ago
Alright all you amazing designers I just re-ranked everything and re read all the logo tourneys rules.....If I bumped a logo out of top 5 its either because your own work is better and I only have four designers at the moment. I also moved some stuff to uninterested only because of spelling or easy readability.or the fact that most likely at the time this is posted we already have 4 of 5 finalist because at the moment there are only 4 of you. anyway so it does not really matter LOL. just trying to keep the list to 20.i am trying to rank my 5-15 pretty accuratly though . All that being said here is my open Advice for the last day of this thing. AND TO ANY OTHER DESIGNERS that may want to participate, as well as the ones that have already submitted. If you are afraid to enter because you feel some designers have already hit the nail on the head of what I requested, and or are afraid that what you will come up with will be to similar to others DON't be and here is why. These tournament rules clearly state that anything that i put in my logo description or uploaded drawing to give you all ideas from.or my public comments are fair game for all designers. You may look at my comments and my logo manefesto and may come up with something similar but at the end of the day you are a better designer whos imilar art may look much clearer or better who knows. I gave a bunch of drawings and public feedback and am very happy with results thus far, but that gets me more excited for what others may even develop since the first 4 have been so good. You will notice most of the designers have stuck pretty close to either that which i described in my request or public comments, and I am already very pleased with a lot of the results. Others have also made great adjustments based on my public comments. At the end of the day you all are creative geniuses NOT feel free to take your own path .go waay professional instead of cartoonie, or go even more cartoonie.......Don't be afraid to completely ditch my color scheme...I may go with something you like better (if you as a designer know "this color would be better here" use it =), play up to your strengths as a designer and submit a great idea. I would never tell an interior designer for my home(not that i could afford one) but if i could, i would not tell them anything i would just oulook at there previous work hire them and say make my house look great. At the end of the day I am a smart enough person to click your profile and view all your other work so even if you Half a$$ed it for this first round your at least giving yourself a shot at making top 5 because your previous work speaks for itself. I know what you all are capable of I will click and view every single designers profile that is gracious enough to put their design out there for me....get a logo in, and give yourself a 1 in 5 shot at the cash. I have to take 5 designers to the finals anyway according to the site rules so thanks again for all your creativeness i look forward to the next round! =)
10 years ago
Officially ONE day left! where are all you other designers..follow my contest brief or do your own unique thing. You are the expert in this stuff not may have a way better idea that i could ever come up with! Design Design Design! LOL
10 years ago
TOP 5 Comments---- to my top 5 graphics people you are all extremely talented all your profiles are really really good and i picked you not only on your work for me but previous work i viewed on your profiles..i picked the 5 i honestly feel like have a shot to win. I do not understand this top 5 ranking advice from the site ......
"Top 5" mode allows you rank many designs but only the top five designers can submit.

Example: You rank the 1st designer in the top five, then four more of his designs in the #2-5 rank. Then, you rank the 2nd designer in the #7 rank with a few of his designs etc. You can rank multiple designs but only the top five ranked Designers will be able to submit.

You can rank your top five Designers at any time during the contest in addition to the "Top 5" phase. You can get revisions to current entries in this phase or request totally new ideas from them - they can also submit new ideas by themselves.

So my interpretation of that is i can only recieve revisions from you if at least on of your logos is in the top 5...soo here is what i am going to do. I am going to leave the 5 of you in the top 5 ...and message you my revision ideas seperatly. HOWEVER THE MAIN GENERAL THINGS I WANT FOR THIS ROUND ARE AS FOLLOWS

1. Black & White--I need to see all logos on Black and white backgrounds...this way i can determine viability for printing later.
2. Different Colors--I would love if you all had time to deviate from my initial RED, BLUE, YEllow Color scheme....I have seen enough of those colors and though I love them .i wonder if i should have left the colors open to you all from the get go. You all know a lot more about the colors a logo exudes or how it makes a person feel then i do. I may stick with what I have but you all are the creative geniuses dont be afraid to throw different colors out there, that you like. I like the Apple , Jaguar company logo colors silver.makes brand seem a little more high end in my mind...and i have even told that to some of you to try out.
3. Do your own thing-- You are all damn good do your own thing i will continue to communicate with you and try and give you as much feedback as i can to win this thing. But you may have an Idea that blows mine away and turns the entire competition on its head.dont let me sqaush your creative genius.
4. CLean up edges- Just make sure any revisions in the top five are brand ready will look good shrunken down on business cards or easy to print on shirts etc.

After I see everyones revisions and black and white....I will let you know individually where you stand at the moment and weather or not you should spend more time on this contest at the moment it . Check your private messages i am giving you all as much private feeback as i can.
10 years ago
Ok i am shuffling up ranking just so i can have things in an easier comparable view no one freak out please. At the moment i only see two designers that seem to have a shot but they are also the only ones who are sending revisions i asked for. So obviosly I am inclined to go with one of them.
10 years ago
Alright guys i sent out my final straw pole to everyone that has been looking at these logos and a few people that have not even seen them...i should have the final ranking by tonight or first thing tomorrow morning. BY the way speaking of final rankings i really truly think all 6 of you that have participated are unbelievably good.i could not have asked for a better 6 designers on this whole site. you respond quick to messages and your portfolios are phenomenal. How can i rank you all so that you get the best possible points out of site. Should i just make sure 1-6 are all different designers to get you all max points do you only get points for 1-3 how does it work does being in top ten help or outside of top 20 hurt etc.
10 years ago
OK i found out answer to my last question disregard last post (1. You will need to make sure the top (3) ranks are held by different Designers and that a minimum of (10) designs are ranked. This is done to spread out the site points designated by the site as a reward for the Designers' participating in your contest. )

10 years ago
Alright if you did not get a private message asking about (copyrighted font files or Freeware fonts.) and another one with pros and cons of your logo in your comments are most likely a long shot to win at the moment. If you did recieve thos two comments CONGRATS you have a 50% chance of winning at the moment! =)

Other designers you are not completely toast yet though and may just be sitting on gold and are just waiting to smack me in the face with it right at the end of this top 5 session. These other two though the current top two have just done so many great revisions I do not know how i would justify throwing another designer to the top. As i mentioned before i just send out a straw poll with all top 5 designers logos that could also shake things up maybe my gut is wrong, but most people are consistently choosing 1 of two designs already.

Thanks again for all your HARD WORK and TIME you all are extremely talented.

10 years ago
OK so i thought this thing was over but the way i am reading this i am suppossed to now do final revisions with whomever is ranked one?
10 years ago
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