top online awarenessLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / top online awareness

top online awareness has selected their winning logo design.

For $400 they received 103 designs from 6 different designers from around the world.
















Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


LOVe love love that you are sticking with what i was asking for and can do something better with my horrible sketches than i could ever do. My only feeback on these would be this now seeing this idea come to life the Implied TOP in top online awareness starts to get lost with the superhero.I still love the idea of having a little dude like this, but i think we would have to spell out TOP on it now I think we almost have too. I would also say lose the tail even tough I know you were looking to put yarneting on it i would just put yarneting llc on the bottom or side of the cape somewhere. Love that you left the eyes looking up as well! great job!
10 years ago
one other comment i would say maybe see what it looks like filling in the pupils from White to just solid will just be hard to print on shirts and stuff
10 years ago
Logo Designer
thanks for the great feedback Yarn..
on progress now, i'm coming soon with something' good for you.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
done #19 #20 #21 #22

Let me know what else you need

Thanks! :)
10 years ago
dddaaaaaaaaaamn those are great! the only feedback i can even begin to give is that our little dude here still looks a little cross eyed..I don't know if its the angle of the eyes.or i am just looking at these logos to long and im going cross eyed LOL. I also posted a general comment to everyone to maybe even try a more professional traditional style logo (even though it is not at all what I asked for, and i think its a little boring people are used to it.) Try taking your little dude and putting him next to the words online awareness. Similar in shape and style you did for national acting academy logo you worked on. Graphic to the left words to the right. Just leave the word top on him. I only moved the others to not interested because i realize now that the words top have to be present. They were still obviously great work. By the way the site does not penalize you all or anything when i do that right....should you just withdraw them or should i leave them as not ranked?
10 years ago
Logo Designer
whooppss..apology for the "little cross eyed".LOL

I'm very happy to design for your logo..
these update revise #32 #33 #34 #35 , I hope you give me a good news and good rank too..

Let me know what else you need

Thanks! :)

10 years ago
Greeeeeeaaaaaaaaaat Adjustments everything is much more readable which you have completely fixed . ...your other work on your profile is great unless we were to get a flood of amazing entries i am sure you will be in the finals with what you submitted. Don't be afraid to just throw something out there you like as well and completely ignore everything i asked for. you are the designer after-all ;).
10 years ago
i really love your logo but for whatever reason no body is selecting it as a favorite =( if you want to take a look at my (TOP 5) general comments section and make adjustments go for it. I dont know what else i can tell you but that i think you are fricken amazing, but people are leaning towards these other logos for some reason.

My only thought is maybe find a different way to separate the yarneting from the superhero TOP put your superhero dude off to the left like you already did but in a more separate defined, higher end style and see how it comes out. Right now it would be tough for you to beat out the top spots but I know you have the ability to because i have seen your profile and other work as well. I wont be offended if you do not put in the time for revisions because i am basically telling you it will be hard for you to pull out a win at the moment. But best chance will be my above recommendations i think.
10 years ago
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