The Invisible BossLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / The Invisible Boss

The Invisible Boss has selected their winning logo design.

For $300 they received 108 designs from 19 different designers from around the world.






























Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Logo Designer
An invisible boss writing,..
Comments are welcomed. Thank you!!

(This comment references Entry #6)
14 years ago
THIS IS OUTSTANDING! This was easily my preliminary favorite.

Here's what I love about it:

THE DESK!!! You were the first person to introduce this and I thank you for it! I hadn't even thought of the empty desk but it's such a perfect brand. It's gender neutral and it captures the target market perfectly.

Here are some things I'd LOVE to see:
1) Let's take out the tagline. I'm still conducting market research and it's likely that the tagline will change.

2) I'm amazed that you guys can create a FADE EFFECT with the letters "Invisible Boss" ... however, it's too complicated. I would like to keep the letters as WHOLE and FULL as possible.

3) Check out Entry #4 (by JDMerlin). White letters that turn into black letters with the word "invisible." Maybe you, Mr. VerbaVolant, could write "Invisible" in white letters on the front of the desk?


I hope that made sense. lol. :)

Finally, I wonder if there's anyway we can spruce this up? Maybe a little more color? The green is cool... but an all-green logo may be overwhelming.

I also wonder how we can communicate the benefit of being invisible. Maybe put a sign on the desk that says something like: "On Vacation" or something? :) Feel free to be creative!

This could easily turn into the #1 favorite with a little thought! THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR WORK! You are a gifted and talented designer, my friend.

(This is my first time on logo-tournament and I want to hire ALL OF YOU! Move to America, now! :)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you very much for your words... I enjoyed a lot reading your comments, lol :)
It's really a pleasure to work for people like you!!
I'm going to make some changes in my design to spruce it up.
This is the first try:
I've added a banner "On Vacation" on the desk (in next entries will be more visible with other colour combinations) and I've changed the position of the words "The invisible BOSS". I hope you like it.
Comments are welcomed. Thank you and excuse my english (I hope you understand me :))

Javier (VerbaVolantBranding)

(This comment references Entry #19)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
New revision added!!

(This comment references Entry #20)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
New revision added!!

(This comment references Entry #21)
14 years ago

A) Your English is just fine. :)
B) Thanks for the compliments.
C) GREAT WORK... I can't decide which one I like better... the Green Desk or the Blue Desk??? I called a friend to ask their opinion... I think I like the green.

Here are some modifications I'd like to make:
1) Let's clean up the desk. Take away the coffee cup and papers. The more simple, the better. We might add the papers back in, but for now, let's see how it looks completely bare.

2) If you're willing: I like the ON VACATION piece. Haha! :) ...unfortunately it's so small, that it's too hard to read. We either need to make it bigger (maybe move it to the front left corner)... or replace it.

What if we took it off the desk... and draped a little sign over the back of the chair at a slanted angle that said: AWAY You could do it in all capital letters so it would be easier to read. If you're open to that... I'd love to see what it looks like.

3) Finally, we need to make the capitalization universal. I don't know what will look the best... but we need to do either:

The Invisible Boss (Capital first letters, lower-case the rest)



I'll probably go back-and-forth between things as I try to figure things out. Again, hope you don't mind.

THANK YOU AGAIN FOR YOUR EFFORT!!! I don't know what everybody else is going to come up with us, but your work is outstanding, Javier.

14 years ago
Logo Designer
Mike, thank you for your comments. I'm really having fun with this contest!! :)
I've cleaned the desk and I have changed the banner too following your suggestions. I hope you like it.
I'm going to work now with the new version with the signal over the back of the chair!!
Anything you like to see let me know. Thanks for feedback.

(This comment references Entry #23)
14 years ago

You have created another work-of-art. I love the AWAY sign. You have been an absolute pleasure to work with. You have responded with enthusiasm and attention-to-detail. AND... you update things quicker than I can rank them! lol. Well done.

At this point? I hate to say it... but I am fresh out of creative ideas. The only thing you could possibly do is... well, I don't even know.

The hard part of being in my position is this: just when I think something can't get any better? Somebody submits a logo that I really like. Essentially the best ideas are the ones that the designers come up with. MikeMX and Paull have submitted some VERY strong entries and I don't know who is going to come out on top here.

There are a solid 4 days left in the contest. To put yourself in the best position to win, Javier, I would suggest just trying a lot of different things. Maybe try different FONT STYLES... maybe mess with the colors somehow... Be as creative as you wish.

Just be sure to keep it simple. The goal for the finished product = something clean and something TIGHT.

If you feel up to it, you can even create some new logo-ideas entirely. If you opt to do this, keep them as first-drafts. I don't want you to invest a ton of time for me to be like: "nah, I don't like that." Totally up to you.

Again: muchos gracias!

14 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank for your comments!!
I really think that this contest is specially interesting!! I'm going to squeeze my brain for trying to surprise you with the next designs :)
I was thinking several new things for your logo... Maybe the "AWAY" sign alone with the "the Boss" sign? :)
Pay attention with next designs!!!

Thank you!!!
14 years ago
Hi Javier!

Hope you're well. I just got off the phone with one of my female friends... and she said she REALLY REALLY REALLY liked #20 with the blue desk and yellow chair.

The more she talked, the more I started to like it. She also appreciated that there was no gender behind it. :)

Can you do 1-2 more of these?
* Blue Desk, yellow chair
* Fix the Font: "The Invisible Boss"
* Instead of "ON VACATION" ... can you write: "YOUR NAME"

This implies that whoever is taking the course will become invisible. :)

Thanks so much, Javier. I'm showing all of these to a few more people tomorrow. They are pointing out things to me that *I* never would have thought of.

14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi, Mike!!
Tell your female friend that she has very good taste. :)
Well, this is same design changing colors and font.
Later I will submit several entries more with different fonts.
I hope you're very well.
Thank you very much for your feedback.
Best regards!!

(This comment references Entry #53)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Same as previous but with things on the desk.

(This comment references Entry #60)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
New font

(This comment references Entry #61)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
New font

(This comment references Entry #62)
14 years ago

Happy Thanksgiving to you, even though you're not in the US. lol. :) Today is one of our big holidays.

Just ran it by a few more people to see what they thought. They were preaching simplicity, simplicity, simplicity. And they, too, loved the blue.

Maybe also do ONE with an AWAY sign, with nothing but the lamp on the desk. We don't have any blue ones, desk-free, with an AWAY sign. No plaque.

Can you also do #62 with:
* No paper
* No cup
* No plaque
* No away-sign?

Literally, just a desk, chair, and lamp. I know this is a step-backwards... but the feedback I was getting was pretty consistent.

If you want to do that... and play around with some of the fonts (like you have been)? I think that would be some AWESOME final entries.

You're going to get some recognition here for your work in this contest, my friend. I don't know how I'm going to choose a winner... but you will be up there, I can assure you.

As always: thank you so much.

14 years ago
Logo Designer
Happy Thanksgiving to you too!! I´m not in the US but I know the holiday!! (I still remember the episodes of the television serie "Friends" about Thanksgiving day!! lol). How is the turkeycock? :)
Well, this is the same design as #62 but without papers, plaque, away sign and cup.
I hope you like it.
Thank you very much for your feedbak.

(This comment references Entry #88)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
This is same as previous but with Away sign.
Thank you!!!

(This comment references Entry #89)
14 years ago
Thank you for the holiday wishes, Javier :) My girlfriend loves FRIENDS and will laugh when I show her that you wrote that. Heh.

As far as your final entries?


Barring any radical changes or last-minute surprise entries... I feel that you have definitely locked up a Top 3 spot. I have you ranked #2 right now... but when the contest ends, I will do my final FINAL assessment (checking the different designs on letter-head, etc) to make the final ranking.

Thank you again.

I don't know if this is a violation of LogoTournament's terms-of-service.... but if you have anyway to get me your website/company/YahooIM name, it would be very much appreciated.

14 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you very much for your words, Mike.
FRIENDS remains my favourite comedy serie!!! Great!! :)
It's been a pleasure work for you and your company.
This contest has been very cool and interesting.
If I can help you in anything let me know it.
Thank you again!

King regards

14 years ago

The pleasure has been all mine. :)
I only have one last request. With #88.

Being that this could be the logo that I use for all of my PowerPoint presentations and Movie productions... would you be willing to make two more? (Hopefully this won't be much effort... just adjustments)

1) A faded version (barely visible), that could be used in the background of a power-point presentation?
2) One more that includes the words: "Produced by the Invisible Boss"

I will put this second logo on a black back-drop at the end of my movie files. #88 probably won't look too hot on a black background (which is fine) so you may just have the words written in white/green/whatever on a black background. It doesn't have to be anything fancy... you can even use one of the old logos (#2), take out the tagline, and add the words "Produced by"

I know this might be an unusual request and if you don't want to do it, I understand. I'm just trying to see which logo will look best on all my media. I'm only asking you and MikeMX to do this, which pretty much means that you guys are probably going to place first-and-second in this contest... dunno which order, but I'd love to see what the logos look like in a different context.

You're the man.
Thank you 100000 times.

14 years ago
Logo Designer
Faded version with 10% opacity

(This comment references Entry #95)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Faded version with 15% opacity

(This comment references Entry #96)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
"Produced By" version

(This comment references Entry #97)
14 years ago
Awesome. :)

Thank you!
14 years ago
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