JDMerlin... you are incredibly talented.
Here's what I love about Entry
The CONTRAST between the word "Invisible" and the rest of the phrase. I feel that THAT word is the most important and you do a great job by flipping blacks-and-white.
I commented in the other entries that the fading-lettering didn't work. However, in this entry, I feel that it works pretty well. The word is still readable and the font is very elegant.
I agree that the brand needs some kind of ICON or SYMBOL. The tie (as you can see by the other entries) is a popular one. That challenge = it alienates females. Granted the boss market is mostly male, but women entrepreneurs notice that stuff very quickly... and I don't want to ruin that portion of the market.
Can you create a new-type of symbol that is gender neutral... yet still demonstrates your incredibly creativity?
I hope so!
Thank you so much for the effort! I reiterate that your work is OUTSTANDING.