The phrase “Hybrid Think Tank” must be included; my idea is that is it should be below “The Communications Lab”, but I am open to any new suggestions, but never on the top.
As said in our company description, we don’t consider ourselves a firm or advertising agency… we offer originality, difference and value added.
We like to break rules by creating and implementing new ideas and services… This allows us to be different from all those that call themselves our competitors and, most of all, allows us to give our clients new, fresh and original ideas, products and services.
Besides the typical media, we also use non traditional media.
An important fact is that we are disciplined and each of our associate companies, has been know to be the best (or at least the most original) at what they do (design, politics, law, Public relations, marketing, etc)
I had previously said that I wasent going to post any web sites for refference, but here are two options that I really like, but please dont forget the “STYLE SLIDERS” that I indicated.
I was thinking the "Hybrisd Think tank" could be made with a handwritten font like The part in a handwritten font can be something such as: .... Also in another color such as orange... something that gives it a craziness touch to the seriousness of "The Communications Lab"