The Communications LabLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / The Communications Lab

The Communications Lab has selected their winning logo design.

For $280 they received 138 designs from 25 different designers from around the world.


Logo Designer
2 different color wave arrow - voice /communication
lab instrument - lab

(This comment references Entry #4)
16 years ago
#4: The Lab instrument doesent convince me very much; neither do the arrows.... although, it is much better than the other options.... the "Hybrid Think Tank" looks good!... I think that other colors should be used in "The Communications Lab". Lets play around this idea. I gave some web sites as refference. They might help you out.
16 years ago
#5: This option is getting closer!!! Although more colors would be appreciated. The "t" fit in. The font used in "The Communications Lab" are good.... The fonts used in "A hybrid Think Tank" I don’t know if they should be in italic.
16 years ago
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