#37 - I like it. Nice energy. Could you look at my comments to LED - take your creativity and see what happens? I would love to see what you come up with.
THE AMAZING and COMPANY in the same font as each other - try that Suess font or the one you used on AMAZING for #37. Do the KID and OH THE PLACES WE'LL GO in the same font as each other as well. I like the font you used for KID on #40.
When I say do the explosion in yellow, I mean that background bit. Y'know, the thing that looks like a firework. The thing that has a little bit of my "old" logo feel in it. Can you make that yellow (or whatever color you think would look good), and make the square background white. The logo will be going on shirts, websites, paperwork etc. and the square background with color won't work. Does that make sense?
Also - 1. Try making the THE a little sideways above AMAZING and make it a little smaller than the rest. 2. Make AMAZING longer to fit and be same size and color as COMPANY 3. The paint ball dots aren't working for me - even though that's excactly what I asked for. Try a little more like what LED is doing on top of your explosion thing. I don't know, maybe that won't work. ??? I just need the primary colors in a BLAM kind of way. But putting them all in the words isn't working for me and neither are little splotches. 4. Thank you and sorry if I'm being a pain in the ass! =) I think you're really great!
Wow, twins, fun! I know the feeling, I have three kids, seven, eight and nine...they never want to go to bed, or get up for school! Gotta love the weekends!
Your comment about going to dinner was hilarious! Orange is about as far as I go, I never got into LA much. My husband job relocated us to Montana two years, but he is trying to get us back to San Diego, we all miss it way to much!
Weekends are when I get REAL busy! Remember, it's a kids entertainment company I own. =) 3 kids - wow! Those ages are close, too.
My wife and I were just talking about Montana. Couldn't move there for a while (don't know if I could do as well right now outside of LA, Boston or New York). But, someday I would love to live somewhere I can see for miles and breathe the beautiful air. Take a breath for me today, wouldjya?
Cool, creative and fun - but I think it veers off the path of what is feeling right to me. The reason #72 is ranked higher than #70 is mostly because of the kids face. #70 seems a little like he/she is saying "hhhmmm, The Amazing Kid Company? What's up with them?" - when #72 he/she kid is saying "I love them's Amazing KId Company people - they are so fun".
You are a very smart designer. You made the little face unisex so it appeals to all. Also with the balloon - even though that concept isn't working for me, I see where you were going. Oh, the places we'll go - good work! We're in the balloon and we're going to the places, right? I just love creativity! What a gift, huh? Keep going!!!
Wow, thank you, this have been the best contest I have entered by far! Your feedback is amazing! I'll play around with the other designs ranked higher, although #67 is so polished, might just be the winner...gotta keep tapping into the pool of creativity.
Great to hear - I feel like I'm being a pain in the ***! =)
on #75 - could you try a different font (with AMAZING and COMPANY in the same font and KID in it's own). See #65 for what I mean. Also - OH THE PLACES... needs to be less important. Maybe on the bottom or like a comet going around like in #78.
Hi DS - sorry. Love the effort, but these don't work. Don't really like the fonts of the border. I still want to see the blue ball (globe) with what I said before. PLease keep 'em coming, I really appreciate it and win or not, you're adding some really cool logos to your profile and worst case scenario- I'm taking you and your family to dinner. =)
Would you still like to see the #51 without graphic effects? I'll go ahead and work on #75, with your suggestions.
Just to give you something to think about:
bugy said:
Firstly, we as designers absolutely thrive on feedback, we live for it (well, maybe i'm speaking only for myself here). The more feedback and the more detailed it is, the better. No alteration is too small to ask for, after all its your logo and its our job to give you exactly what you want. Giving feedback either to all designers through the general comments board at the bottom of your contest page or individually by clicking submitted entries and posting there, is the best way to ensure you get the highest quality result. Also try not to be too brutal with the 'Not Interested' button, i would strongly recommend saving it for terrible designs or to help deal with clutter if your contest is getting a huge amount of entries. It can be very discouraging to upload a bunch of concepts only to have them all binned, especially if the CH doesn't even tell you why. A comment like "These aren't what we are looking for because of -------------------- but keep trying!" goes a long way. I myself have given up on contents due to CH's binning designs (mine and other peoples) without any feedback.
Another point i don't think CH's have been aware of is that when the contest ends and goes into the judging phase the designer who has an entry in the #1 rank is still able to submit entires. This enables you to work very closely with that designer to tweak the concept to utter perfection.
A big point of interest / conflict in the designer forum has been the way CH's rank entries at the end of contest. All of the designers on this site have an overall ranking. This rank is determined by the number of points we have. Points are gained by having an entry in the mix at the end of a contest. Its a consolation prize of sorts for those designers who worked very hard only to miss out on the cash. The points allocation follows thus:
----- Points are awarded at the end of the contest by the client: 1st - 50 points 2nd - 20 points 3rd - 10 points 4th - 5 points 5th - 5 points 6th - 3 points 7th - 3 points 8th - 3 points 9th - 3 points 10th - 3 points 11th+ - 1 point
Overall site ranking is a total of all points received and is calculated once per day. ------ Entries that are left with 'New/Unranked' status gain nothing.
The main issue here is that when we are designing alot of us will post huge amounts of variations on the same concept, eg; different colour, typeface, sizing, arrangement etc. When doing the final rankings it is important to us that one designer doesn't get all three top spots simply with three different versions of the same logo. If he had three completely different logos this would be fair enough (i cant imagine it ever happening though).
A couple of other minor points that you may or may not be aware of: - You can end / extend your contest at any time. - Most designers will jump at the opportunity to design other pieces for you after the contest has ended, this site is set up to promote us as designers.
Thanks for taking the time to to read this, i and i'm sure all of the other designers really appreciate it. bugy.
PS any other designers feel free to add anything i might have missed.
Thank you so much for sending me this - VERY IMPORTANT and I didn't realize that it worked this way.
No on #51 but a big YES ON #75. It's pretty obvious where I'm leaning, but still have not made up my mind. I have a hard time deciding what I'm going to order for dinner in a resturaunt, so this decision has caused me great anxiety. =) So many good ones.
OK - I do kinda like the sun in #126, but am not crazy about the fonts (except for OH, THE PLACES... I love that). And the colors are not working for me. Can you show me a combo between #126 and #37 (I forgot how much that one struck me as very cool), while using the same colors as in #51.
to summarize... Combo Size of font like #126 Font and feel like #37 Colors like #51 Sun/fireworks a combo between #126 and #51
Thanks again for everything...your comments, your creativity, your work...all of it!!!
Hi DS Thank you so much for your amazing work and creativity, your kind and gentle way of communication and your insights. Had you not told me, I would'nt known how important it was to rank appropriatly. They should be alot more clear about that - the other designers owe you a debt of gratitude.
I also feel I owe you such enormous gratitude because you had so much to do with the evolution and eventual final logo choice. You were such a big part of it and I THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!
I bet you would like that silver and I would like that bronze to get in our collections, huh driftingsky? With 1 and 2 almost identical, what can we do? :)
It was awesome of you to rank so many designs!!!! It really means a lot to me and the other designers.
I am now going to call in a favor for working on so many designs for you, (which I believe between me and the other designers helped to get you to your final design) I am asking you very kindly and politely to please rank LED 1st, #143 second, and JRock 3rd. You can get all the different logos from LED that you may need for your business, that's how it works this website works. Once you chose your winning logo, you can continue to work with the designer with that logo.
I just honestly feel that all the hours myself and other designs put into this contest it would be appropriate. Asking for this is completely out of my comfort zone, but I feel strong enough about it.
In the end it's your contest and you can do what you feel is right.
Good luck with your business!!! I hope it bring you joy, satisfaction and success.