I AM LOVIN' THIS! You are obviously headed in the right direction!
1. It needs to be primary colors instead of pastels (see #26). Use three colors.
2. No little blue guy (try a kids hand print instead).
3. The font needs to be different and outlined in black. I'm thinking that THE AMAZING and COMPANY is a little more...Sleek. Elegant maybe. And the KID is in a different font. Almost like it was slapped on by a kid with paint after THE AMAZING COMPANY was already there. Maybe he's the same kid who shot the paint gun that made the splateers in the first place. And mayby that's his hand print. Now I'm making up a whole story...it's fun! =) Seriously though - it kind of represents what my company is and does. We are EXTREEMLY kid friendly (pushing the envelope sometimes - ref: greem party, and that's actually slime). BUT - we also deal with grown-ups all the time and we deal with them on a very grown-up, eye to eye level. WE ARE NOT CLOWNS! That's what I mean when I say that YOUR LOGO is starting to really represent who we are.
Green and yellow and blue version. A 8 year old neighbor kindly did the hand art. And should say loved it getting all messy. Also showed her your pictures of the green slime party and that was a huge hit. She would like to go to your camp. Any on the East coast?
For some reason, you're colors are coming out a little dull. Is it possible to brighten them up like #26??? Also, I know I said sleek and elegant on THE AMAZING and COMPANY, but I was wrong. I just don't want bubbly. Try something a little funky like what driftingsky did. I like where you're going, but I think my comments to you made it feel a little too coorperate and lost a little of the fun. My bad. Sorry. But I like the KID painted on. Keep playing with that. I think red is the way to go, as long as it's brighter and has more pop. Maybe yellow blue and green in the background???
Thanks again - and tell that kid next door that we're here in Los Angeles, but Boston is our next stop.
One more. This one bit more fun yet in keeping with the style presented. Word kid is bigger but it really draws the audience you are appealing to with legibility of the entire word. I think these are working better than paint and splatters. The color is coming in washed out on these uploads. Not an issue as the colors are bright and do pop.
Refering to #87#114#115 In stepping back for a couple of days and now coming back, I still feel like this is the direction. I do think AMAZING and COMPANY need to be a little...wackier. Or at least a little less coorperate. See the AMAZING in #37. Also the THE Feels a little too much like a nameplate. Can we give that a better "feel"?
Now - I'm sensing that you just don't want to be bothered anymore. It seems to me you feel you've put your time in and you want to be done. I look at it from your stand point and I get that. I REALLY DO. Please advise me by looking at it from my stand-point. There are a few little things I need and I don't want to bug you anymore and I don't know what to do. Maybe they are just little things I can change once it's all said and done? (I realize that might be a completly ridiculous statement))
I just don't know and I don't want to end this contest and live with these little things that bug me for the rest of the company's life.
Maybe if you just answer these questions, I'll be able to get you YOUR money and I won't have bug you anymore. =)
When I get the final logo... 1) ...will I get it in layers?
2) ...will I be able to switch from yellow background back to clear and then back again? (I think you said yes)
3) ...will the colors look like this? The red still feels a little organgish and the yellow/blue a little a little flat (meaning they don't seem to pop out like some others (#51 or #107 for instance)?
Couple other little issues... -OH THE PLACES - I want in a different font and it seems pinkish (would love it to be that pop-out red I'm talking about). -I want the yellow background to get brighter as it goes out - meaning the points of the sunbust are brighter than the middle of the sun. -I want the "i" in KID to overlap the "a" and "z" in AMAZING just a bit.
PLease know how much I appreciate your (and others) hard work and I don't mean to be a pain. Really. In fact, I'm a little annoyed with myself. =) I just need to have what I want and feel REALLY GOOD about it. Please get back to me on this - thanks!