#30 - like this design as it speaks well to social media, growth (bars) and the tagline is position to the callout. The only thing we would prefer on this is tagline is a bit larger (easier to read) and try with an "!" after "close". So it reads connect. collaborate. close!
new design #52 new design #53 and #54 shows connected puzzle piece = connection, collaborate, strategy, bar chart = growth, and speech bubble as social media
We like #45 - it is the tip ranked. Do you think you could add heads to the bars...think you already gave us some examples like this. We like it...but it could be mistaken for instance as bars on a cell phone. We first saw it as growth. By adding heads (circles) it will speak to the social aspect.
Hello kgregoire, thanks for the feedback. i'm afraid i cannot add heads to the bars because #72 from different designer already done that. i cannot do the same as he will protest it. i did one but it was pie chart with heads, and not bar chart. and likewise, he cannot do the bar chart inside the speech bubble because i already did with mine. this to ensure that the clients gets variety of designs and not similar design.
however, i can update the design to make it clear that it is a bar chart without making it look like a cellphone bar, and i think adding heads to the bars will make the design awkward anyway. i think the speech bubble already serve as a social aspect on the design.
so ok, here are some updates: adding arrow so it doesn't look like cellphone bars. #98 with green #99 and #103 different rendition with blue experimenting with "people" in #100 and #101 adding heads that's not looks like other design in #102
Just wanted you to know that even if we haven't ranked all of yours...we are still exploring all of them. I need to get the team together to make a decision. Expect by Monday afternoon. Thanks!
Just wanted you to know we are getting very close...you are in the top 2 entries. We want the other designer to present a modification to what he has presented. Don't be concerned you are in #2. Thanks!