#5 Like this mix of creative style and simple typeface very much. Comments: as my logo would used mainly in print and presentations I want to ensure that my logo and it's text shows up clearly. Would be interested to see other slightly darker grey text and/or slightly bolder "marketing" font (although I do like the the different style to "Silver fern" and the more delicate font). Comment re. the fern frond. I like the "growth / movement" to this but wondered if there is a more stylised design that could be used as the lower part could be a little to complex. Love the curl at the top though I love the maori feel to this.
#3 Hello Thank-you for this, I really like it and the fern is much better. Thank-you so much for taking on board my comments. I like the version with the "square" background best. I haven't got anything to add unless you have any more ideas to take this concept forward. This will be a difficult choice. Best wishes Caroline
Post Comment #36 Thank-you for this, I really like it and the fern is much better. Thank-you so much for taking on board my comments. I like the version with the "square" background best. I haven't got anything to add unless you have any more ideas to take this concept forward. This will be a difficult choice. Best wishes Caroline
#169 I like this design however tone too pale and would like to see more standout. Also fern frond is both upright (stem vertical) and cut at the base which restricts it's movement and makes it look a little like a "P". I don't mean to sound negative as I do like your designs very much. Thank-you very much for your designs.