ScottWorldLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / ScottWorld

ScottWorld has selected their winning logo design.

For $435 they received 71 designs from 14 different designers from around the world.


Logo Designer
My spin on the Mac Finder logo and globe.

(This comment references Entry #35)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Bright ideas in a Mac world for this one.

(This comment references Entry #36)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Clean look, with friendly confident Mac Globe as the "O" in the word "World".

(This comment references Entry #37)
15 years ago
Thank you so much for taking the time to create these adorable logos! I love your unique spin on the Mac Finder icon! Very friendly and uplifting.

Can I ask you a favor? Could I please see all 3 logos with the capitalization spelled like this: ScottWorld

Also, in #37, the light blue color is a little hard to read... would you mind making it a little bit darker?

Thanks so much!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Glad you like the designs. Here are the changes you requested.

(This comment references Entry #39)
15 years ago
Ah... much better!!! These are super cute. Thank you! I'm going to have a hard time picking a winner in this contest, but I may end up needing your winking globe for other purposes. So even if you don't win the main logo contest, I may be contacting you afterwards for possible purchase of the winking globe.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Cool, good call on the capitalization of "ScottWorld", keep me posted on what you decide to do.
And thank you for inviting me to tryout for your contest.
15 years ago
Hi Vinny,

Would it be possible to see #39 with a more "modern looking" font? Maybe something along the lines of the font used in #6? I think the current font is reminding me of an old fashioned typewriter.

Thanks so much!
15 years ago
Also, could I please see one more variation with my company's slogan underneath the company name?

Thanks again!
15 years ago
Wow, love the new font! This is beautiful, Vinny! Thanks so much for making the changes so quickly for me! :)

Love this concept.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hey Scott,

Here's a more modern looking font, #45 also has your company slogan under "ScottWorld".

15 years ago
Logo Designer
You're welcome. As a Mac user myself, this concept speaks to me. Keep me posted if something else comes to mind. :)


15 years ago
Hi Vinny,

Thanks again for your incredibly creative work. I sent out an opinion poll to my clients, and every single one of them picked your logo as the winning logo. I totally agree with them! So with 2 days left in the contest, yours is basically the logo to beat at this point.

Two quick questions:

1. For #45 and #44, could you please darken the light blue text (i.e. the word "World" and the slogan) to a darker shade of blue?

2. One of my clients was concerned that the distinctive nose might wake up Apple's legal department for trademark infringement. Do you think this is TOO similar to the Finder icon to cause ire at the litigious Apple Legal department? I personally think that this is enough of a parody/variation of the icon that we could get away with it. I mean, every single thing about the face is different EXCEPT for the nose. Case in point: some of my clients even thought that the nose was just an "S" for "ScottWorld". I don't want to change the nose at this point... just curious to get your thoughts on it.

p.s. I noticed on your website that you are an expert at CorelDraw. Just curious -- do you use that within VMWare Fusion or Parallels on your Mac?
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hey Scott,

You're welcome. Pretty neat how your clients like the logo. :)

1.) I've darkened up the blue on "World" and the slogan. Let me know if that shade of blue will work for you.

2.) I feel that the nose is the only part of the ScottWorld and MacFinder logo that is similar, and even then, that is tweaked a bit. Now, If I was the Apple Legal Department, I would be fine with the logo, not only is the logo different from the finder and is fun and creative, it also advertises and promotes Apple and the MacWorld. BUT, I am NOT Apple so to be absolutely in the clear, I can give the "nose" part of the design a curve to the corners on the nose points, and give the "nose" a more "S" shape to it. Which i think would still work here. Let me know if you would like me to give that a try.

My first computer was a PC, and I had CorelDraw on it. Used it all the time, I even enjoyed using it more than Illustrator at times. I do not have CorelDraw for my Mac. VMWare, Fusion & Parallels, are these programs that would "convert" a PC program to work on a Mac?

p.s. I LOVE my Mac, won't go back. Sorry PC's. :)
15 years ago
Hi again Vinny!

Haha -- love that you love your Mac!

Thanks so much for the excellent changes. Could I please ask to see two more small changes?

a) It seems like the font in #49 is bold... could I just see what that would look like if the font was regular weight instead of bold?
b) Also, could I see what #49 would look like if my slogan had a slightly bigger font? (Maybe splitting the slogan into 2 lines if necessary.)

Thanks also for your feedback on the nose. I totally agree with you that this logo is different enough from the finder to avoid legal repercussions, so I say that we leave the nose alone for now. If Apple comes after me later, I'll contact you then to make a change to the nose.

Also -- regarding VMWare Fusion and Parallels, they both do the same thing, but VMWare Fusion is much more stable and reliable than Parallels. Parallels could crash your entire system. These programs let you install Windows XP or Windows Vista on your Mac, so you can run 2 operating systems simultaneously on your Mac: both Windows AND Mac OS X. So then you could run any programs which are Windows-only.

Thanks again,
15 years ago
Logo Designer
regular weight font, slogan slightly bigger, split into 2 lines.

(This comment references Entry #64)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hey Scott,

I uploaded the ScottWorld logo with the regular weight font, and the slightly bigger slogan. Let me know what you think. I'm crashing for the night, but i'll be back tomorrow morning.

15 years ago
Vinny, thanks again for making these changes for me so quickly! It looks BEAUTIFUL! :)

a) I love the larger font size of the slogan, and I love the slogan broken up amongst 2 lines. So the slogan is a keeper.

b) I'm in the final decision-making between the regular weight font and the bold font for the name ScottWorld. Could I please see #64 with the name "ScottWorld" bolded?

15 years ago
Logo Designer
Mornin' Scott, here is "ScottWorld" in bold.

(This comment references Entry #69)
15 years ago
Thanks so much Vinny! I'm very excited about this!

One final change, and then I think we're through with this contest. :)

Could I please see #69 with the slogan in bold as well?

Thanks again!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
You got it.

Here is # 69 with a bold slogan.

you're welcome,

15 years ago
Hi Vinny,

I'm having a difficult time deciding between #69 and #64 as my favorite logo. Do you have a preference between the two?

I'm also sending out an opinion poll to my trusted clients to see which one they prefer as well, but I'd love to hear your thoughts since you are the designer! :)

15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hey Scott,

Well, I tend to lean more towards bold lettering with logos. BUT in this case I'm leaning more towards the "not bold". Here is why: The "winking globe" icon is a bold by itself, so when "ScottWorld" is bold, like in #69, my eyes can't make up there mind of whether to look at the globe or to look at the company name first. But in #64 there is an order of what gets my natural attention. My eyes first look and rest on the "winking globe", so right there a "brand" is established, then my attention goes to the company name, BAM!, company name is associated with the brand, the winking globe, and last to the slogan, so now I know what your company is all about.

Also, always go with your gut instinct,

Hope that helps,
15 years ago
Wow, this is an awesome explanation. Thank you so much!! You are the man!!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
I was going to open a LogoCourt for this, but Contest ended up early. You are new to the site and maybe don´t know the rules, but you cannot use another user´s concept to make your design.

I entered a concept with a world and a face, so that cannot be used. This was a stolen idea/concept.

Next time read the rules before entering a contest: You cannot use other´s ideas, and you have to make sure your entry is significantly different from others. This concept should have been developed and improved by me, not by another designer.

15 years ago
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