#84 is best because I like the darker colors. (I forgot to mention that I love the "where the sky's the limit" motto. I might have to borrow that.
Can you change the blue in #84 for black (or dark grey if that's better) and see how that looks? Also maybe another with black and a different shade of green?
Thanks for doing the color changes. I think I like #140 and #142 the best. I'm not sure about the others, so I'll wait to rank them later.
Since yours is our favorite design so far, I'm going to bother you for more entries please.
Is it possible to see what the black and green looks like with gradiated (I'm not sure that's the right term, but I mean the color blends from darker to lighter or lighter to darker). Also, I'd like to see #140 just as is, but without the "consulting service inc" below.
Looking forward to new entries.. Keep up the good work. We're almost there!
#142 is our favorite. We're 90% sure that this is the one we want.
Blue and green has won out over black.
If we choose your logo as out top design, would you give us both #142 and #153 for our use so that we can put company name on letterhead and the ROLO only logo on clothing?
lori hi iam sorry got little busy yes i will give you both designs if you want me to design your stationery it will be a great pleasure for me. with all my best wishes warm regards montosh
Thanks for your response. This is my first time using LogoTournament. If we want to select your logo submission, do we just leave it ranked #1? Should I rank #153 as second place or give another designer a chance for a second place finish?
We like the blue and maybe red instead of green. Feel free to experiment with other color combinations. You're still our number one designer. we just need to decide on good colors now.