Principled ResidentialLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / Principled Residential
Principled Residential has selected their winning logo design.
For $475 they received 595 designs
from 81 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Design Brief
What We Do
Residential Property Management of single family home, duplexes, triplexes, condos and townhomes for individuals and real estate investors
Color Preferences
Black is prefered
Grey is second
Grey is second
Our Ideas & Additional Information
The logos ZIp file is a logo we started with and then was edited to the principled-line-residential-logo1.png. We like "Principled" with the line under it. We would want "Residential" to be the same width (and approximate size as Principled. We are rolling our two more companies. "Principled Builders" a construction company and we are renaming our property acquisitions company "Principled Home Buyers" to form a company partnership group "The Principled Group. The reason that we like "Principled" with the line under it is that each of our logos will have Principled in the same font on top of the line and the second names will be under the line. Our goal is to have the logo 'Resemble" one another but ensure that it is clear that each company is different and offers different services. The tip part of the logo can be changed completely but we do like the crisp clear lines of the logo