Need a Product Name and logo for our Natural Mineral WaterLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Need a Product Name and logo for our Natural Mineral Water

Need a Product Name and logo for our Natural Mineral Water has selected their winning logo design.

For $450 they received 790 designs from 97 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

What We Do
Our company will bottle and sell a premium "Natural Mineral Water" bottled from the source in the Sunshine Valley region of British Columbia, Canada. Our product is yet to be named and we are looking for the designers to choose a name, identifier, and style that will brand our high end mineral water.
Color Preferences
We will have a clear glass flint bottle(think similar shape to an Absolute Vodka bottle). Blue lettering is the thought for the name of the water. Our label will be clear(see through) plastic, so the consumer can see the clarity of the water. Our cap will be silver.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
Our mineral water is extracted from an underground aquafier 412 feet deep, coming from British Columbia, Canada. Natural mineral water is very unique to Canada, as there are only less than 5 brands of mineral water to come from Canada(There are many "spring" waters though). The TDS(total dissolved solids) is near 1000, making this the highest mineral water content to come from Canada. Our product will be targeted in restaurants, deli's, and other dining establishments. We are looking for a name that appeals globally as we will pursue foreign markets and has significance to underground water or mineral water(no 'mountain' or 'spring'). The water is non-sparkling(still). I will provide feedback daily and PM designers on there ideas. A great site to look at premium water is This will give you an indication of a standard we are trying to accomplish.


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Logo Designer
I'm tempted to call it "I can't believe it's not VODKA" but I don't think they'll go with it...
15 years ago
Logo Designer
you just did way to go Des

15 years ago
Logo Designer
Stake your names now...once it's taken you'll need to come up with a new one...think of it s the Klondike Gold Rush
15 years ago
Logo Designer
I think it should go without saying that initial concepts are to lay stake to the name... I'm not adverse to coming up with different concepts if the name is interesting to the CH...
15 years ago
Logo Designer
In that case it may have been better to have split the prize into 2 contests, to include a one just for the initial name ideas. Regardless, I'm in.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
well it's started already
15 years ago
Logo Designer
This is so cool – so we cant use another designers name even if the CH askes us too is that the consensus I am getting.
15 years ago
Great start everyone. Things to keep in mind:
1. We can't use an existing product name, especially a water product. That means #11(H2O) and #33(Pure). Pure is actually a Nestle Waters brand. #9, Indigo is a Canadian Bookstore. #11 H20 we could not trademark(already done).
2. Try to keep the name short, 1-3 syllables and picture it on the bottle. Must be easy to say.

Keep em coming.
15 years ago
The reason we went with one contest is we felt that it would be the designers preference to be more creative with what they are comfortable doing. The name is the priority in this contest though.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Brendan you are correct naming a product take is copyright my the designer who comes up with the product name...think of it this way how unique would naming a product be if we all used the same name???

Plus, would any designer want someone else to claim the name especially if you came up with the name first...I think not.
15 years ago
I am doing my best to get comments to all of you. Please be patient. I will start ranking some later today. There is no current ranks right now.
15 years ago
Lots of great ideas. I feel that all of you are very accomplished designers who do outstanding work. When you submit names and designs, our first instinct is to the name. If we like the name, I have to research to make sure that it is not used on another product before I can let you know about it. The design aspect can be altered once we clear the name, so I will do my best to respond quickly. I will not ask all the designers to design on someone else's name. I am sure the designer that wins will be willing to tweek the design if asked. I will try to respond quickly via PM to your names.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
This going to be interesting to watch. There is a lot of Fantastic Talent out there. Good Luck to every one. Lets Not Be Affraid to Get Wet Exploring this one. I myself plan on diving it this one head first.

15 years ago
Great work everyone.
Think about walking into a high end, trendy restaurant with your wife/girlfriend/partner or group and while sitting at the table, the waiter sets down a 750ml clear glass bottle of mineral water. The cool bottle (like an Absolute Vodka bottle) catches your eye. The first thing you look at is going to be the name. Is it easy to say?, what kind of water is it?, where is it from? Everyone picks up the bottle, and it creates conversation. "Wow, I didn't know Canada had mineral water, pretty cool name". The next time you see this bottle in a restaurant or at a golf course, or in a deli, will you remember the name, the look, and will people ask you where you got that water from if you are carrying the bottle.....
15 years ago
15 years ago
Ranking has not been started yet.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
I know you aren't ranking yet, but may I suggest that you mark "not interested" for names that won't work -- either for legal reasons or because you don't think they fit with your product? That will help us all stay organized -- including you!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello Swanny,

This post was used on a different competition to highlight some rules of the LT (previously posted by Dazzle - Moderator for LT)

" March 22nd, 2009, 11:48am
How are you doing ? hope you are doing great. As this contest is about to come to an end, and you will be chosing the best new logo for your company, i just wanted to have your attention to some important point that you might be aware of or might not. I hope i am not miss understood by pointing out this to you and that you understand.

When the contest ends and you have made your mind and desicion about the winner logo, the winner gets the 1st place, but the 2nd and 3rd place and going on forward, 4th, 5th, 6th , etc , each one or slot should be filled with a seperate designer and different concept you found second best, third best to follow etc.

This helps towards us designers ranking and also it is a way from you to show your appreciation to the hard effort and trails put from the beginning by one designer or appreciating a nice design concept put earlier by a designer that led to developing on right direction for others and you getting the best you could at the end.

It feels frustrating for other designers and pointless of giving all the top rankings for same winner designer, while those were just a small variations of the winning design and therefore the other places 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc are not filled with different designs from a different designer.

So i hope you understood my point i was just trying to point out to you here and all the best of luck in chosing your winner logo, there are really good ones out there.

Best Regards,

15 years ago
Great Job on everyone's entries.
I will mark entries as "Not Interested" if they do not fit for what we are looking for. This is the 1st day of entries and the thought and effort that everyone has brought forward is excellent. Hearing a name for the 1st time sometimes does not 'stick', but after a few hours or days, that name may be catchy. It is very hard to Rank in order at this time, but we will. Put it this way, if we don't classify it as Not Interested, we are looking at it seriously(legal,advice,trademarks,meanings,etc.). Keep your ideas coming, if we like the name, I will PM you to adjust the logo. I am very impressed with all the creativeness.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Dear CH, I hope you will never leave us alone here... You've already involve all of our energy, so we deserve a chance to have your intensive feedback. Thx.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
all those 412 designs including mine there is already a 420 on the market...geeesh and it was brilliant idea
15 years ago
Logo Designer
how about 2'fer.... you know a 24 case of beer
15 years ago
Client (

Here is another site full of mineral waters.

Still liking "I can't believe it's not Vodka", lol
15 years ago
Logo Designer
ch link didnt work
15 years ago
Top 10 Ranked so far based on what is rememberable, trendy, unique, simple.
SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT ANY TIME!!! Please do not withdrawl until we mark not interested.

Link above is
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Now, If I come up with a name is it ok for somebody to steal it?
15 years ago
Logo Designer
or borrow, if the term is to harsh.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Arrghh! backfired. I thought I was first.
15 years ago
Hey everyone, I will update the "not interested" this evening. Looks like some great ideas were submitted today. Thx
15 years ago
FYI. Rankings are currently done by name over design. If we like the name, we will ask for more designs.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Jakub,

I was wondering if you mind if I do a design based on the name In Deep - it is similiar to yours and I don't want to upset anyone...thanks
15 years ago
Logo Designer
It seems this should have been two contests-one just for a name so names could be posted quickly(maybe a new website for this type of contest would be cool!!!!! How about it LOGOTOURNEY DIRECTORS!?!?!?) and then a different contest for the name design...
I just spent a couple days making a nice logo for a name I thought up, and went to enter it just now, and although my design is way different, someone has, in the last few hours, entered a design with the name I had in mind...I did not want to rush an inferior design entry just to "claim" the name....oh well, back to the drawing board I guess :)
Best to all...
15 years ago
Logo Designer
I work in branding and I see a MAJOR problem here. Getting a name takes RESEARCH, TIME and a good COPYRIGHT LAWYER. Large corporations buy up loads of names and register them. You can't always tell from a Google search, whether or not a particular name is owned by, say, Nestlé.
Just because there isn't a product on the market called "Chicken Water", doesn't mean that somebody doesn't own it.
I'd suggest that several of these names are already owned by FMCG companies for various uses in various territories. I can tell you for certain that Virgin owns the name "Vie" in the cosmetics and homewares space (and quite probably in FMCG too).
15 years ago
Logo Designer
raylenej, go ahead. It's different enought for me
15 years ago
I appreciate your efforts into your work. As I said earlier, this is a different contest in the fact that we are more interested in the name and then if we like the name, the design can come later. All of you are extremely creative in your designs and that is why we came here for a name contest. Everyone's creativeness goes beyond the logo design.

You are absolutely correct as far as trademarks and copyrights. This is a big reason why a lot of cleaver names in this contest has been marked as Not Interested. When a name is submitted, we are working hard to cross-check that name with not only the internet, but with the Canadian Trademark Database. We are not looking for something that may cause conflict. However, we are looking for something unique that has not been explored. That is why we love the creativeness of this site. Thinking outside the box is what all of you do for a living. This contest just changes the thinking a bit. The other side note on Trademarks is that you may have a product name in say "vehicle parts", but that doesn't mean you can't Trademark it under "beverages".
15 years ago
Logo Designer
hubcaps anyone..Just posted a new name hahahahahaaa
15 years ago
Logo Designer
My latest submit labeled "EastCoast"... :) Coffee break...
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Go CH Go...

I love you so much. I love the way you take care of us... You work as much as us here...

Thank you very much
15 years ago
Logo Designer
I'm with HappyB on this one - for all the reasons he mentioned and also for the fact that accompanying those reasons is typically a bill from the various parties involved (brand specialists, focus groups, lawyers, etc.) well, well, well in excess of the prize being offered here...
15 years ago

Why do contest holders come to this site over going to an advertising agency that has focus groups and brand specialists for company logo's?
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Retro, yes there are many things to consider as Happy B pointed out.
Here my Take on all this is " I create it & Someone else can debate it." Not our job as designer it figure out all the legal stuff. I'll leave that to the CH.

The main reason CH's come here is they get great ideas from many sources.There are businesses Large & Small represented here. Plus Its less expensive for the small guy(gal) starting a new business. A CH could expect to pay a few Hundred toThousands if they went to an Ad Agency for a Logo, and may not get the result they want. Plus, There is alot of untapped talent out there in the world not working for an agency. So this could be a Ticket for someone to excel in their life, open new doors or keep someone happy just designing in there spare time. Either way or what ever the motovation each designer has to compete. Compatition makes us all stronger, as individuals & business persons.
15 years ago
Logo Designer

there is no doubt that the CH already has done the research which is why the CH has posted notes on this.Retro and Happy B this is not your concern nor is it mine...what happens after a name is selected...we are not he to provide marketing advice....this is a contest only..thats it. nor are we hear to tell the CH how he/she should be running the contest.

LT is not a Marketing platform it is a "Pay as You Go" site that services up logo design from 250.00 buck...the higher the payout the better the response.

If any designer is worried about being left out of the money making potential of any design submitted then he/she should not be here. Because we release all rights to the design once the artwork is approved.

15 years ago
Logo Designer
@Swanny: virtually all contest holders come here to get a logo - it is, after all, called Logotournament. It is not called "Create a company name that will get me market-sharetournament". Have you noticed, guys, that we are not even allowed to present print mock-ups as value added services? What do you think is more of a value added service, a business card layout or one's very company name upon which all else rests? So I'm quite sure that apart from monetary issues, naming companies falls outside of the intended purpose of the site. No doubt there would be a separate competition category (with separately worded final contract for winners) and separate prize offering if it were intended. Perhaps Tyler will offer the service in the future and make accommodations but as it stands, he does not.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
I think you branding folk are trying to make it seem much harder than it actually is. I also worked in branding for a while and it's a pretty simple search through the PTO to see what's available and what's not. There are also MANY things that can be done when a name is in use.

People obviously like taking on this kind of task - there are 500+ entries with 3 days left.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
I have PM the CH to un-rank was posted simply to demonstrate to the CH how this design would look on the bottle type they are going to use which they will be using a similar bottle style as Absolute.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
@ Eastcoast Creative. WOW! I see that you used my suffix. Where's your creativity, and uniqueness?
15 years ago
Logo Designer
I'm just sending unique well thought out brand names. Design later.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
On a Higher level. Aquatier.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
In all honesty you should have brainstormed a name for your company with your colleagues by know. If you get into legal troubles who would you blame? the designer?
15 years ago
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