Midwest Pond and Koi SocietyLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / Midwest Pond and Koi Society
Midwest Pond and Koi Society has selected their winning logo design.
For $375 they received 112 designs
from 15 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Design Brief
What We Do
Chicagoland club of pond and koi enthusiasts -- 25 years old
Color Preferences
unlimited; but coordinating with revised website under development at www.mpks.org/wp
Our Ideas & Additional Information
Board members prefer identifying with koi fish, perhaps water, perhaps water plant such as lotus blossum. Initials MPKS are not recognizable, so we must spell out Midwest Pond and Koi Society.
Koi fish husbandry has strong roots in Japan, yet our members are midwestern Americans.
Logo will be used on website, signage at annual koi show, cloisonne pins, clothing (shirts, jackets)
Koi fish husbandry has strong roots in Japan, yet our members are midwestern Americans.
Logo will be used on website, signage at annual koi show, cloisonne pins, clothing (shirts, jackets)