Krvaric CapitalLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Krvaric Capital

Krvaric Capital has selected their winning logo design.

For $400 they received 326 designs from 55 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

United States
Helping Conservatives Grow, Preserve and Distribute Wealth
What We Do
We help individuals and families who hold traditional, conservative (fiscally and socially) values grow, preserve and (eventually) distribute their wealth. Will consider logo both with and without the slogan. Adding '.com' someplace would be OK too if it can be done tastefully, but absolutely not necessary.
Color Preferences
Like: Cherry, Maroon, 'earthy', 'conservative' colors, clean, confident, solid, exclusive design.
Dislike: Yellow, Purple, 'loud', 'weak' colors, busy.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
Krvaric is also my last name. That is the 'brand' or 'name ID' I want to promote/build, so 'Krvaric' should be more prominent than 'Capital'. Logo should be clean, 'patriotic' (USA) feel - if possible - without being tacky. Logo should convey: bold, stable, safe, conservative. These are my specs, but I AM open to fresh ideas, if someone wants to try something slightly different, as long as the main theme remains intact. Logo will be used on website, banners (sponsoring events), letterheard, etc. so depending on the use the 'slogan' may or may not be appropriate (either due to size or use) so one possibility is for the logo to be such that when necessary, the 'slogan' can just be stripped off without impacting the rest of the logo or placed elsewhere (see link example). Just a thought. Click on the link to see my current logo, and how it's used in an ad. Do not necessarily take any cues from the current logo. It's just to give you as much info as possible. In my opinion, the current logo is too simple and too basic. I need a little more sophistication than just the words stacked on top of each other.


Order by
Entry Number


































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Designers: I want to make sure that I comment to all entries, which means I may not be as verbose, but please do not take the brevity as being rude. I mean all the feedback in the nicest, sincerest way. Just thought I'd make that clear up front so noone takes offense to short feedbacks. They will be short, but they will be more frequent. Thanks all.
15 years ago
BTW, I am open to a graphic of some kind, as long as it's in addition to the words 'Krvaric Capital'. It can be something you make up that captures the image we're trying to project, or a play on our initials, or something else that your creative mind comes up with.
15 years ago
FYI: For those who may not know, or have gathered from the job description, what we do is we help people invest their money; in stocks, bonds, various other asset classes, and help them manage the risk and make progress towards their financial goals. I.e. we help our clients make smart decisions with their money. Try to keep that in mind.
15 years ago
Maroon or dark cherry being the main/base color, accents can be deep sea blue or moss green.
15 years ago
Some feedback: First off, I don't know if this is the right way to do it, but I am leaving specific designer feedback in his/her own designs thread, and not here on the general 'wall'. So if you're looking for your indiviual feedback, don't look here. :-)

Second: I am NOT looking for red. Ironically, some of the designs, using RED or some of the logos end up looking very Russian, which is the opposite of what I'm looking for. When using maroon or dark cherry color, please make sure that you don't end up using red. When adding the accent colors, make sure they are the darker, (moss) green and not bright green.Same with deep sea blue - not bright blue.

I will commit to giving plenty of individual feedback, but it requires that designers have thoroughly read and understand the job description. My constantly providing feedback just regurgitating what's in the job description is a waste of everyone's time, so please read and understand the job description thoroughly before producing a piece of work.

Thirdly, a lot of the designs seem to be very similar, and some part of that's inevitable I guess, but I'd welcome some 'out of the box' variations as well. Having a graphic logo allows for adding an element beyond just the text, and is welcomed.

Fourth, if you're considering a logo element/accent then consider incorporating something hinting at investing, i.e. a stock chart, things going 'up', something SOLID or trustworthy, or the politically conservative angle with something patriotic or depicting America's greatness or referring to capitalism. Of course without being tacky.

Lastly, remember that the logo shouldn't be 'modern' or 'artsy'. It needs to be classy, conservative, strong. Some of the entries are clearly too modern and artsy. No bold fonts, but rather sophisticated without being diffcult to read. In my mind that suggests serif fonts but I'm open.

OK, that's it for the general comments. I'm off to leaving the individual comments now. Over and out for now.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello Tony and Welcome to Logo Tournament

Please take a moment to read this "Ranking and General Tips" as complied by one of our designers (Bugy)

EastCoast Creative
Designer/LT Moderator
15 years ago
Designers: Great designs. I will be leaving individual feedback to all in the next 24 hours. If there are folks who still haven't submitted entries, please put them up.

BTW, I will keep the best design from each designer in the rankings list, so everyone gets at least one design on that list. That means that I will send some designs to the 'not interested' pile, but each of you will have at least one of your designs in the main rankings.
15 years ago
BTW, folks - WHITE BACKGROUNDS please!
15 years ago
Things are heating up. I appreciate everyone's entries. I made sure to keep at least one design of each Designer in the ranking so that everyone who tries gets at least a shot at getting some point/s out of it.


1. Thin and sophisticated/classy ALL CAPS serif font vs. thick and simple sans serif font.
2. Slogan present but in a place where it can be stripped off when needed without damaging the rest.
3. Two colors only. Maroon + one other.
4. Logo GRAPHIC off to the side or if on top, it needs to not be too tall or too heavy.

I will wait for another 24 hrs to accept some entries and/or modifications based on the above conclusions and will be more interactive with the top 5 entries after that, to nail down the final details and tweaks. If you are in the top 10 or so, please review the above conclusions and modify your design/s accordingly.
15 years ago
Folks, FYI I am considering extending the tournament for 2 days, so it would end on Sunday afternoon (California time) vs. Friday afternoon. Haven't decided yet. Keep'em coming...
15 years ago
Another idea for those of you who want to create a logo that resembles or is inspired by - a stock chart:

Look at this for some examples of stock charts. Under 'Price Display' you can choose different kinds of charts; OHLC, Candlestick, etc. to see some variants. Just a thought to see if you can draw some inspiration from that.

Of course the logo/chart/whatever has to end on a 'high' note, i.e. an upward-sloping chart. :-)
15 years ago
Friends. I needed another couple of days to work with the top five or so entries, so I extended the tournament.

FYI, when the right one comes together, I will be open to ending the tournament sooner. I appreciate the interaction with those of you that I have been communicating with. Rest assured, I am only asking you for tweaks if I am considering you as a potential final winner.
15 years ago
Happy to entertain variations of a stock chart, with the requirement that the chart end on a HIGH (i.e. UP) note. I'm excited with the development. Top 10 guys, keep it up!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
tNX Tony, and good luck!
15 years ago
Folks we're down to the wire. At this time, I am considering the top three, so no need to submit new entries unless you want to take a real long-shot chance.
15 years ago
Oh, I guess I didn't quite understand what the contest ending really meant. I thought that meant that the #1 option automatically won, but I now understand that all that does is close the door on new entries, and I still have an opportunity (for up to 7 days) to work with the, say top three or so, designers to nail down the exact match and winner.
15 years ago
Sorry I have been absent. I was out of town and busy as heck. I am nailing down the proper revision of the currently #1 ranked logo. Thanks to all others who participated!
15 years ago
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