Krvaric CapitalLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Krvaric Capital

Krvaric Capital has selected their winning logo design.

For $400 they received 326 designs from 55 different designers from around the world.




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Logo Designer
Hello Tony,
i did this logo with words like "strength, solidity, american capitalism / wealth / cities" in mind. It also hints at a bar graph.
i used the deep cherry colour as requested and chose a typeface that i feel gives it a conservative and sophisticated feel.
any feedback would be great, more variations to come =)

(This comment references Entry #86)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
tagline can easily be added / removed

(This comment references Entry #87)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
works well in all formats

(This comment references Entry #88)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
also still strong in monotone

(This comment references Entry #89)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
incorporating some blue in case you prefer

(This comment references Entry #90)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
making the logo look less like a city (though still hinting at it) and more like a graph in case you prefer

(This comment references Entry #100)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hey Tony,
i saw you ranked me first which in very excited about =)
let me know if you want to see any other variations.
15 years ago
Yes, I put you first, but it's not 'clicking' yet. The logo itself does look kind of like a city. Maybe if you made the bars look a little more like a stock chart. Drop the height of the first four bars a bit, make the last one the highest? May look good, and simulate a stock chart ups and downs? Just a thought.

Also, I like how it will work both with a white background and by reversing it, i.e. white logo on maroon background.

The word 'CAPITAL' does look a bit awkward though. I wonder how to solve that? Hrm... I'm very 'square' and it doesn't seem to 'fit' real well. Also, can we add the slogan across the bottom somehow? Gimme some more examples with all that in mind please. This is referring to #88 and #89.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
cool thanks for the feedback.

"Drop the height of the first four bars a bit, make the last one the highest? May look good, and simulate a stock chart ups and downs? Just a thought."
im wondering if you could give me your opinions on #100?

just gives me a bit more direction.
ill get to work on it now =)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
made "CAPITAL" the same typeface as "KRVARIC" so it fits in more effectively and added the tag line as an underline

(This comment references Entry #137)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
"CAPITAL" centered

(This comment references Entry #138)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
playing with the idea of a graph

(This comment references Entry #139)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
another arrangement, trying ot keep the perspective in it

(This comment references Entry #140)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
if you could let me know which text arrangement and which icon you prefer that would be great so i know which one to use in further entries
15 years ago
#100 is too 'flat'. I like the '3D' look of the building-looking logo, but we need to make it not look like a building nor like just some triangle-pointing-looking thing. Bars on a stock chart go up and down, representing the movement of the price, so my suggestion a few comments ago toyed with the idea of making the last bar the 'tallest' bar. Maybe it'll look great, maybe stupid. Can we try that one and any other idea you may come up with?

Re: the 'CAPITAL' - I guess the centered one is a little bit better, but I still don't feel that it 'clicks'. I can't put my finger on it. Keep thinking...

Re: the slogan - fits fine under there.
15 years ago
#139 - no.

Re: #140 - ehh... maybe, at least that's something we can experiment with. How about making the fifth bar the highest? I.e. starting with your original design (say #88), the 'heights' of the bars are as follows:

1, 2, 3, 2, 1 - right? So how about if the heights instead were like this:

1, 2, 3, 2, 4 - see what I mean? I hope so coz it's 2 AM in California and I'm going to bed. Cheers. :-)
15 years ago
Another idea:

Look at this for some examples of stock charts. Under 'Price Display' you can choose different kinds of charts; OHLC, Candlestick, etc. to see some variants. Just a thought to see if you can draw some inspiration from that.

Of course the logo/chart/whatever has to end on a 'high' note, i.e. an upward-sloping chart. :-)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
thanks for the detailed feedback, here is the 12324 idea for the heights of the bars

(This comment references Entry #143)
15 years ago
Logo Designer

(This comment references Entry #144)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
i like this one, it keeps the subtle 3d feel but looks more like a graph than a city to me =)

(This comment references Entry #145)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
same with some spacing.

regarding the "CAPITAL" can you explain what it is that you dont like? or does it just not like right and your not sure why?

(This comment references Entry #146)
15 years ago
The CAPITAL doesn't seem to 'fit' very well. I can't quite put my finger on it. I think making it flush, justified, i.e. stretch left-to-right would make it 'fit' better, but then again it would look weird as the letters would match up with KRVARIC above it? It's the same # of letters, so maybe it'll look weird and maybe it'll look fine. I don't know.

How about moving KRVARIC up a bit, and keeping CAPITAL off to the left - maybe increasing the size a bit, but then putting the slogan to the right of that, on two lines?

Bottom line, I'm not loving where/how CAPITAL fits in to the logo.
15 years ago
Also, can you re-do #137 to include the graph of #143 and make it in both regular and the inverse (i.e. white on maroon background) version?
15 years ago
Also can we see one version with KRVARIC a little more pronounced - without going full 'bold'? And can we experiment with making the text deep sea blue? I.e. dark, rich blue?
15 years ago
Logo Designer
updating the text layout as requested

(This comment references Entry #222)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
justified version

(This comment references Entry #223)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
#137 with the new graph as requested

(This comment references Entry #227)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
same, inverse

(This comment references Entry #228)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
and a version with "krvaric" in bold and blue.

thanks for all the feedback so far, keep it coming =)

(This comment references Entry #226)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
same with the other graph icon

(This comment references Entry #229)
15 years ago
#223 - can you make the KRVARIC more pronounced? With CAPITAL now aligned right under KRVARIC, I find the KRVARIC to be too 'weak' and doesn't stand out as much as I'd like it. Give me two or three variants please. Thanks.
15 years ago
Oh and go back to #227 version of the graphic/bars please. Subtle difference but I like it better.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
thanks for the feedback.
"Krvaric" in bold and also softened the colour of "capital" a bit to draw more emphasis to "kravaric"
also used your preferred graph

(This comment references Entry #265)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
in blue, draws even more attention for "krvaric"

(This comment references Entry #266)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
latest version in monotone

(This comment references Entry #267)
15 years ago
#265 and #267: Please create a version where:

1. the letters of C A P I T A L line up in the middle of each corresponding character of K R V A R I C above (currently some don't line up and it looks kind of weird, i.e. compare the letter 'T' not lining up right centered under the letter 'R' above)

2. please tweak the graphic chart where bar 4 and bar 5 come down just a little bit, while still making sure that bar 5 is the tallest of the bunch. Currently the last bar seems a little too pronounced in my mind. Thanks.
15 years ago
Re: my comment above.

Another alternative to re-working the spacing of the C A P I T A L letters is to make the vertical space JUST A LITTLE LARGER. I.e. a little more room between the two lines.

We are close to perfect, but I just need a few variations of C A P I T A L. It's fine where it is but play with the vertical spacing (as mentioned in this post) and alignment (as mentioned in the post just above).
15 years ago
Also, seeing as how you are in Australia, what time is it there relative to California? I want to make sure that you are there to make some last-minute tweaks if necessary. It's now 11 PM here and I'm going to bed.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
there is no worries about the time difference as i can continue to upload entries while the contest goers into the judging phase as long as i remain in the #1 ranked position

im at my friends place at the moment but will be able to upload the requested variations sometime tomorow, (roughly 18hours time)
15 years ago
Bugy, we have four hours left. Are you around?
15 years ago
Hello? I guess I misunderstood the tournament thing. I thought that after the tournament ends, one has to pick the logo right then and there, not realizing we have several days more to finalize the logo. Please work on the tweaks I suggested above. I am seriously considering the logos ranked 1, 2 and 3 only.
15 years ago
15 years ago
Logo Designer
"I thought that after the tournament ends, one has to pick the logo right then and there, not realizing we have several days more to finalize the logo"

basically the way it works is the judging phase lasts for up to seven days (more if you apply for an extension via the site admin) and ends when you make a final decision, do the final rankings and end the contest. During the judging phase i can still upload entries as im the first ranked designer, this just allows you to further tweak the design to your liking (like we are doing now =)

posting the variations you asked for now
15 years ago
Logo Designer
the letters of "capital" have been moved about so that they align perfectly with the letters of "krvaric"
i also made the 4th and 5th bars of the graph a little bit smaller as requested

(This comment references Entry #323)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
alternate version with the letters of "capital" slightly smaller and increased distance between the two words

(This comment references Entry #324)
15 years ago
Please create #324 with the word C A P I T A L justified left-to-right (edge-to-edge of K R V A R I C) with whatever the default letterspacing will be between the letters of C A P I T A L, i.e. it will matter less if they're exactly aligned with the letters of K R V A R I C above since the linespacing is now more pronounced. Thanks.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
requested version:

(This comment references Entry #325)
15 years ago
Can you create a version which has vertical space between KRVARIC and CAPITAL a mix between #323 and #324, and make CAPITAL all black, since having it 'gray' will not really be an option. All except the graphic will be black color, and please go back to the font for CAPITAL used in #265. I hope that makes sense. I apologize for being absent, but I was away for over a week, and pre-occupied with tons of other things. I would ask that Logo Tournament allow us another day or two to settle on this. Thanks to all.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
hey tony,
here is the requested version with everything but the icon in black, im starting to lose track with all these minor variations because they are all so similar but i think this is pretty close to how you want it?
also im happy to supply you with a version that has the text in the various greys for use on the web while you can use this black one for print.

(This comment references Entry #326)
15 years ago
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