Please, for entry #28 using the bottom bar design containing the "Design Group", we would like to see it under #31 and #16. For #31 you may have to remove the yellow stripes in the "K" so it is not so repetitive. REF: #16 and #31, we would like to see the KAP as you have it, and in all yellow and in all grey to give us more color variations to choose from.
MMeans, you have participated the most and we really feel you have the talent to win. You have made the final cut. Please see the public notes. Thank you!
just FYI - done alot of work with vinyl and although with the technology thats out today it doesn't matter too much about the design variations and gradients - if you wanted to keep things simple for screen printers (t-shirts) and decals, the simpler the better. I love to design stuff with lots of colors and gradients and kool 3D effects, only to have the client find out the cost is way different and I have to basically start from scratch using a more basic approach. Would you all like more 3D or just keep it simple?
I agree with you completely, a very complicated logo design can have unexpected results when trying to reproduce for screen print or embroidery. Unfortunately I only have a partial say on the final decision as the company members collaborate together. I am the project manager with only a 20% vote.
With that said your updates look great, and thank you. If you have time I would recommend you submit something else that may be more 3D to increase your chances for winning. There is plenty of time so think about it a few days and try something different. I liked your designs from the start and your hard work means a lot too. We will review your updates and provide feedback soon.
Yes, I understand and agree, so I posted a public message on the contest. Also, try to make it simple. Your #73 is nice and simple so keep it simple. I am confident you can pull this off. The top 3 ranked are what we are looking at, but we know #45 doesn't have the talent to pull it off. My vote is on you, now you have to convince the other 80% of my company executives. So between you and #65, whoever can pull this off will win.
Try not to think about making the 3 circle or balls 3d, just make them work with your design #73, flat and simple. Maybe squares might work, they like the idea of the KAP being inside a shape as if they were individual but at the same time together.
The talent on this website is pretty incredible. You will do very well on this website because you are talented and have good spirit! Don't stop improving your skills as a designer. GO USA! =)