For entry #9 - Please, could we see this in a couple of different color variations. Try using (hex #9da45f and #463425) and see what you can do with these colors, and/or see what you can come up with.
Can it be other shapes besides circles? You can get that effect with any shape. Since they have already used the "Ball" design, I'm afraid anything I do with the same concept might look the same. I could put all the letters into a "ball", or oval, or rectangle with rounded corners. Let me know which you would like to see first.
Yes, other shapes are recommended. I am glad you asked! Try to imagine each letter symbolizes something but they all need to be together "KAP". So squares, ovals, or a custom shape, whatever you feel can improve on the logo with this goal in mind. You pick what to show me first, you are the artist.