Investor WatchDogLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Investor WatchDog

Investor WatchDog has selected their winning logo design.

For $325 they received 98 designs from 23 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

United States
Timely information is your best defense against investment schemes & scams
What We Do
Protecting investors from bad financial advice, bad financial products and wallstreet greed.
Color Preferences
Green + Black (and perhaps a spot
Our Ideas & Additional Information
AMENDED: (see below) My original vision was a dog, barking up a tree - with a person(s) scrambing up a tree to get away from the dog (ie. investor watchdog). Dog would be an aggressive type of dog - or this type of caricature, and the person scrambling up the tree should be a finance type - and have a briefcase in hand - running away in fear.
However, since I've seen some of your designs, I am also drawn to the more simplified logo with a dog head/torso with typeography 'Investor WatchDog.' Even though I'm drawn to the simplified logo, I still need to make a connection with finance and or money, whether it be a briefcase with money, a money symbol $$, etc. as my company is trying to help protect and educate investors from fraud in the financial world which is so rampant today.


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Hi there! I've been posting on individual logo designs but haven't posted on this main page. Overall, I like the direction we are headed here, and will provide more detailed feedback today.
16 years ago
Hi Tahia:
I really like your typography, and the use of the green and black. I am still concerned with the complexity of the logo. I'd love to see one variation where you move in the lines of #5 (Brendan) and a second variation with a landscape approach similar to #2 (SchnabbelBob) but using your great typography.
16 years ago
#2 (Schnabbelbob)

I also like the typography that you are using. I'd like to see a variation where you remove the tagline as it is small and something we may change, and increase the focus/size of the characters. Also, can you add a briefcase to the guy (banker type) being chased? This will give us more of a feel of bringing the financial guy into the picture that we are trying to capture.
16 years ago
Hi everyone!

Originally I envisioned the concept of mean dog chasing fraudulent banker type up a tree. However, since I've seen some of your designs, I am also drawn to the more simplified logo with a dog head/torso with typeography 'Investor WatchDog.' Even though I'm drawn to the simplified logo, I still need to make a connection with finance and or money, whether it be a briefcase with money, a money symbol $$, etc. as my company is trying to help protect and educate investors from fraud in the financial world which is so rampant today.

(Sudhanshu Joshi) I'd like to see a little less coloration of the text (spot colors will have to be used outside of the text I think), and then I'd like to see a variation with the type of dog -- this one (#8, #9, #10) looks a little too much like my happy, goofy laborador waiting for a treat rather than a guard dog type :0) (ie. rottweiler, doberman pinscher, bulldog, german shephard).
16 years ago
#6 (kernball)
A unique look to the logo concept. I like the money bag and the two dogs looking to protect it. Can you provide a variation to the caricature of the dogs? I do like the typography as well. Thanks!
16 years ago
#11, #12 (Andy Shaw)

Hi Andy: I prefer #11 over #12 and like the typography. In your second design, I feel like the dog should have an expression since it is brown and not necessarily in silhouette. Also, in both designs, I commented earlier that I want to tie in the logo to finance/money, and that basically the dog is helping save money or protect against fraud. I would be interested in seeing how you would incorporate that idea into your designs. Thanks! I look forward to seeing a variation that includes the money/briefcase idea.
16 years ago
Hello designers!

I was excited to see several new designs to look at this morning.

#13 (the B): I like the ferocious looking dog caricature--looks good. The name and the tagline are visible and easy to read. I'd like to see a slight variation of the typography so it has a little more corporate feel to it, and less colorization of the text in Investor WatchDog.

#14 (miss.e): I like the way you incorporated the dog into the name Investor WatchDog. I'd be curious to see a variation of your design with Investor and WatchDog split up so that Investor is on Top and WatchDog is below with more of the dog showing, perhaps growling mouth and briefcase or stack of money in the mouth. I like the concept you've started with, and would love to see a variation.

#15 (schnabbelbob): I like the simplicity of your design here. I'd like to see a little bit more bold typeface on the text, or perhaps a variation of color there, but overall, it is a nice, simple design that is very clean and appealing.

#16 (phone_zoo): Lots of color! I like the use of color in the typography. Can we see a variation in the dog design, and perhaps a black silhouette of a meaner looking dog, and maybe from a forward facing angle? Thanks!

#17, #18, #19, #20 (ibot): Simple, basic designs that reflect the idea of the a guard dog protecting financial assets. I think I like

#17 and #19 best from your designs. Is it possible to see a darker shade of green used? It is a little bright for my clientele and may be harder to read. Thanks!
16 years ago
Some great designs up here! Also, a big thank you to the designers who submitted #4, #12, #13, #18, #21 and #3--I appreciate you taking the time to submit a design but at this time I'm trying to narrow the field of options. Thanks again! :0)

A couple of thoughts for the currently ranked designers:

#23 (vdeny): Leave the logo as is, but please remove the tagline as it is too small. I'd love to see a different representation of the dog on the briefcase, not in yellow, and a little meaner! :0)

#14 (miss.e): Hi there, and thanks for your feedback -- it was very helpful. Quick question, do you think the $ 'S' would work on the linear design you originally provided? Also, can I see a variation of #14 utilizing more of the growling dog face you used on #26.

#25 (dmhelms): Really like the whole design -- you definitely captured the mean dog perfectly.

#16 (phone_zoo): Copy of an earlier comment!! Lots of color! I like the use of color in the typography. Can we see a variation in the dog design, and perhaps a black silhouette of a meaner looking dog, and maybe from a forward facing angle? Thanks!

16 years ago
I'm seeing some really great designs, and will be showcasing your designs Monday or Tuesday of this week. Because of this I extended the deadline by 2 days just to give you a little more time to show your stuff. Thanks!! Looking forward to more great designs! :0)
16 years ago
Good morning designers!

I came to LogoTournament today and was surprised to see that dmhelms' designs were removed by a community vote. I'm new to LogoTournament and wanted to ask you about what this is, how it happens, and how it is decided. I really liked one of his designs for its simplicity and nailing down the mean dog with the briefcase. Any feedback would be great!

16 years ago
Logo Designer
If you look at my design process before this one (the previous two submitted) and read my explanation you can see the justification in combining the two to get to this current logo. My design process doesn't include looking at the the previous entries... It's a universal sign of protection btw. That's like saying the first person that posted a silhouette of a dog has a right to that concept. It's sad that I spent my weekend working on these and have no say....
16 years ago
Logo Designer
take a look at logocourt, i came first with entry #20 with dog protect (bitting) the suitcase and i think it's unique concept for this contest since you as Contest Holder never told this idea before.You just say that wants dog barking up a tree - with a person(s) scrambing up a tree to get away from the dog.
then dmhelms came with same idea with mine in #25 and you rank as 1 st.
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Pam did question her direction... maybe you should look at her post on March 14th, 2009, 2:08pm
16 years ago
Bendan what were you thinking with #36?
16 years ago
Logo Designer
It was only a joke I Just couldn't resist its gone now
16 years ago
Good morning designers! Sorry for the delayed response but I have had some challenges trying to post comments. I was able to re-rank last night and then this morning, but wasn't able to post comments without my computer freezing up.

Thanks again to all of you who have submitted your designs and your unique conceptualizations of what I'm trying to convey in our logo. I had to narrow the field a bit, but I appreciate your hard work and the time you put in. Good luck to you! :0)

#60: Thanks for submitting another variation of your design. I like the bolder logo -- packs a punch, and without the tagline is easier to focus on the design.

#40: I like your new designs as well. I like the color choice and the look of the briefcase and dog.

#16: Phone_zoo, where are you? I really like the look of this design as well. I sent feedback but haven't seen a revision. I'd like to see a different dog type, and maybe a forward facing or 3/4 profile dog image. There is something very simple and appealing about your typography and color choice.

#67: Oh no, where is the devil dog from the previous ranking? :0) Like your sense of humor. I like what you've done with this new logo. When we first pictured the idea of the dog chasing a banker type up a tree, we thought that would be a simple concept to translate into a logo. But after seeing several of those type of designs, we have revised what we are looking for. This is a simple yet effective logo, and I like what you've done.

#53: Thanks for resubmitting. I like the design style but I worry about the recognition of the dog on the briefcase. I have an older clientele and not sure they will recognize the dog symbol. Is it possible to see a slightly different dog icon?

#65: Definitely like how simple and yet effective this logo is. I think your icon of the banker is a recognizable character rendition that will remind us of playing the game Monopoly, which reflects the ideas behind InvestorWatchDog very well. I also like the color choice!

#49, #50, #57, #58: Definitely a unique take on our vision. I wonder if you'd be willing to submit a variation of this design featuring claw marks with the dog's paw pads. Also, it looks like the banker icon is carrying a purse -- is it possible to make this larger so it looks more like a briefcase?

#46: Like the larger, bolder dog image that is more in your face.
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Computer glitch
Is anyone else seeing my entry #4 ranked not interested as a the logo that was removed buy the moderator but if you mouse over the bottom you see the correct logo that was yanked but still with my name very strange indeed when in fact it is another designer who I know not as my name appears in his space.
16 years ago
Hello designers:

Thanks for your additional submissions today. I reviewed your designs with my bosses this afternoon and they were very impressed with the level of artistry shown with respect to our contest. I think they were a bit skeptical at first when I told them about, but were really amazed with the designs that they saw. I have re-ranked the site to reflect what they envision for Investor WatchDog, and based on their favorite looks.

#65: We enjoyed your logo design. Based on my owners' feedback, Is it possible to see a slight variation of the dog with teeth barred or canine teeth showing? Also, what about adding a mask, ie. Mr. Incredible, to the icon of the banker type? Thanks!
16 years ago
Hi everyone!

Thanks for new logo submissions from phone_zoo and fsaputra. I'm impressed with all the work the designers have submitted. We are definitely narrowing down our search, and just re-ranked the designs.

Again, thank you for the hard work you've put in!
16 years ago
Thanks for the great designs. I have re-ranked and have recommended to my bosses that they look at the site.

#84 I like your interpretation of the initials, dollar sign and dog. Good colors as well.

#88 I like this unique design as well. The idea reminds me a little of the NFL's Seattle Seahawks logo in a way.
16 years ago
#71, #72, #74,#75, #77: Hi there! I think I still like your original design (#16) the best in terms of color/feel, with the exception of the dog. Thank you for putting forth several variations though -- I appreciate it!
16 years ago
Hi everyone!

I want to thank everyone for all their design submissions. Several of you have sent in many renditions of your logo. I enjoyed looking at all of them, and it was a difficult choice going online each day to have to narrow choices.

A special thank you to the following designers who kept plugging away, listening to my comments and offering many choices: miss.e, tahiadesign, brendan, ibot, deny, dmhelms, phone_zoo, jdmerlin, theB and schnabbelbob. Also, a note to say what a sharp logo jdmerlin provided at the very end -- not the 'dog' we were looking for but very sharp!

In the end, we decided to close the contest early as FSaputra came up with something that fit extremeley well with our business, and the light bulb went off for both my bosses and myself once we saw this logo.

Thank you again to all the designers on this project!
16 years ago
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