Color Preferences
Green, Blue, Purple (not necessarily all together - deeper, richer... no neon or pastels)
Our Ideas & Additional Information
I like the logo I have been using - kind of a spiral depicting fire, water and circle - because it feels natural and earthy to me. I got it as stock off Kix and was told that I had full rights to use it... but I don't think I was given any 'documentation'.
I like the following Fonts:
Bradley Hand
Big Caslon
Bodoni Smallcaps
Times New Roman
and perhaps my favorite is Copperplate, especially if you have a font that is thinner (less bold).
UPDATE Feb 10:
I am liking the sense of TRANSFORMATION with the apple/heart/sprout logo. I was thinking that something depicting caterpillar/chrysalis to butterfly could work.... or phoenix?
I also really like the depiction of BALANCE offered by the yin/yang wings and the dancing figure.
We have been advised that clean, sharp edges are important (much as I like an artistic splash). We have also been advised that using an actual 'figure' in the logo will make people think of a fitness center, which we are not. We are very much liking the 'figures' offered, though, so we may not heed this particular advice.