Summary for your collective thoughts:
#12 by zrox - clever. Simple and scaleable. Also, has potential for movement - the "G" can be remodelled as a cylinder. Downsides - it's blocky.
#23 by rafa17 - neat and visually attractive (it's the curves). The figure is on some kind of joy ride - clearly that's fun. Not sure about its flexibility. Also, left without a real G from a practical perspective.
#97 by nalapraja - shows promise but needs work. Positives - the lightness of the image and integration with the G. Downsides - doesn't look complete, needs more contrast to be truly scaleable.
#90 by Aminro - beautiful, balanced image. Positives - easily scaleable. Negatives - cliched? Doesn't really push the idea of lightness.
#61 by grafismo - again an attractive image. Positives - the implied speech balloon and possible G. Like the connotations but think it might fall short for depth. Looking for a closer link to Geddup if possible?
What we would like to see:
1) Any new ideas - starships...funk, jazz or soul...any new perspectives on getting up
(need some inspiration - consider that Mantegna painted this in 1480...
2) Fonts - we've suggested the roaring twenties, but could equally be the swinging sixties. Looking for the freedom and hope associated with those periods that was translated into beautiful clean design.