GamerIDLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / GamerID

GamerID has selected their winning logo design.

For $400 they received 269 designs from 40 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

United States
What We Do
GamerID is a social network website for video gamers, to help them manage their game collection, wish lists, online gaming profiles, gaming history, friend lists, etc.
Color Preferences
No orange, please. We like blues and greens, and this needs to work on a white background, a dark background, and a wide variety of "skinnable" graphic backgrounds, which will mostly be dark.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
We think we'd prefer the word "gamer" lower case, and "ID" upper case, but we're open to anything if the design looks good. We also can't figure out how to make the "accepted file format" say ".psd" - we'd prefer that over .eps. Good luck!


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Entry Number


















































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#11: Two things I like: it's simple (yet effective), and I like how it easily reads left to right. That's a good thing when the logo is going to appear on the top of every web page on our site.

#12, 13, 14: Also reads easily from left to right (imagine this logo going in the top left corner of our page design). The incorporation of the video game controller is a nice touch, but I think I'd like it better if there were only one - either next to the G or over the I. Maybe I could see both? Also, the font is a touch too retro for me, and the font weight needs to be a little heavier.

#3: Interesting design, but when it would be scaled to fit in the top left corner of a website, it would be too small to read the "gamer." The design needs to be easy to read as the header to a website.
16 years ago
Logo Designer
thx very much stevej, hope i can win this contest...:)
btw im new on this logo tournament..:)
oh yeah, let me know if u want a changement with my logo..
thx verymuch once again..:)
16 years ago
Logo Designer
i mean my design...^^
16 years ago
#15 and #17: The shading style makes the text a bit too hard to read in these examples.

#11 and #16: I'd like to see a few different fonts tried in this design.

Everyone else: This is only day 1 - the contest is far from over!
16 years ago
Logo Designer
as u wish... a couple of different fonts...:)
16 years ago
#2: I like that font, but would still love to see a few more font choices, and maybe even some other design variations on this same theme.

#30: Very cool. I like the graphic element on the end of the word. We want to stay away from orange in general (one of our competitors is very "orange"), and the card appears a tag too close to the R. I'd love to see some different font choices in this design, too.

#26 and #27: Neat concept, but I think we want to keep the non-text elements to just one. I believe that's a CD inside the D, which is cool - but I don't think many gamers will associate that with games (even though most games come on disc). So maybe we could see something incorporating JUST the tags, or JUST the joystick as the main graphic element with the text.

#18, #19, #24: Out of these, I like #19 the best, but the "ID" portion on all of them is a little "soft." Can you give the design a bit more edge?

#20: Not crazy about this font. It looks like a font from one specific game, but we want the logo to have a broad application across all games.

To everyone: We'll be using this logo (or perhaps just the "graphic element" part of the logo if it's descriptive enough) to identify various websites that can use their "gamerID" to sign in. So keep that in mind, too. :)
16 years ago
#33: Cool idea, but the logo is a bit too square. We'd like it wider than it is tall (at least the complete one logo).

#34: This is better, since it's wider than it is tall, but I think the ID card is competing with the bar-code. Let's make it one or the other instead of both?
16 years ago
Logo Designer
i dont know why admin removed my design??
so i submited them once more...
hope the admin wont remove it again...:)
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks for the tips stevej... I'll give them a reworking

Cogarzzz, you are not allowed to add borders... simply make the document size 350x280 & then use "Save for web & devices" then this will export the correct size, no border... that will fix things :)
16 years ago
I was about to ask what the border rule was - thanks for answering it, 405. :)
16 years ago
Logo Designer
oh thx so much 405media
gbu :)
16 years ago
Logo Designer
oh yeah how can i do that in corel?
16 years ago
After conferring with my business partner, I've got some more general feedback for everyone. For faxes and letterhead, the logo is clearly going to appear on white paper. However, we'd like the design to be able to work on a dark colored or black background, as well - in case we decide to go that way with the website.
16 years ago
#44 and #45: I link I like the smaller circle in the corner of the card - it's more subtle as the dot over the I. I also like your previous ID font better, specifically, how it fills the card space evenly. But I'd like to see some more font choices on the ID, too.

#48: Yeah.... that's cool. I like just the one graphic element. The dog tags are cool, but I'd like to see you explore your earlier idea of using the ID card approach. #50 has those two elements competing with each other (the tags on the left and the D on the right).

#51: Glad you got the borderless version figured out. :)

16 years ago
Logo Designer
yeah, im sorry for previous fault lol
then i submited a black background version...:)
16 years ago
More general feedback: I like how IGN's logo ( works with a number of backgrounds. Our site isn't online yet, but we're thinking that we'd like to make it "skinable" so that gamers can pick backgrounds inspired by their fav games. So the ideal logo will work with a number of backgrounds.
16 years ago
Since the admin yanked them for the border issue, please read my comments about #44 and #45 and apply them to #53 and #54. :)
16 years ago
#55 and #56: Nice to see that it works with black, too.

#51 and #52: I'd like to see some different fonts for the ID.
16 years ago
#57 and #58: I like the even balance between the red and green on #57, as opposed to the more subtle use of the blue in #58. Can I see one that uses the blue like the red? Please remove the grey shading in the corners, too. I wanna see how this will look on a plain white piece of paper, as well as a dark-colored website.
16 years ago
#59, #60, and #61: I'm not digging the diagonal controller, or the lighter weight of the font. The font weight doesn't need to be super heavy, but I'd like it heavier than that.
16 years ago
Logo Designer
i made some changement with my design, i moved the dot to the right side of the card so it wont subtle like "I"'s dot, then here are some different color of theb "ID"
hope u enjoy it, and wait for further comments...:)
16 years ago
@cogarzzz: I actually LIKE the dot on the left! :)

#71: I like the fingerprint idea, but I think I'd rather see it appear INSIDE the D. Can you give that a shot?
16 years ago
#73: This is simple and effective, but would be completely lost on a dark background. Can you do a version that's not in black?

#72: Again, I like the fingerprint, but there is way too much going on in this logo. First, please kill the reflective effect. I'd love to see you (or anyone else participating) made the D in ID an actual thumbprint, manipulated in the shape of a D. I'm not sure I'm crazy about the outline style in this one.
16 years ago
Or maybe it would be cool to see a regular D, but filled with a fingerprint.
16 years ago
And that latest comment refers to ANYONE's design. I'd love to see some of the existing ones modified to put a fingerprint in it, either inside the D or in place of the D.
16 years ago
Logo Designer
cogarzzz, If you havent figured out yet, Been many yeaaaars since I used corel, but cant you simply create a white box that size, then export that?

Stevej... sounds good, I'll try a few more to include a few styles and colors
16 years ago
Logo Designer
yeah i figured it out already, thx a lot anyway...^_^
16 years ago
#77: Hmm... that's not looking like I thought it would. The D is too "well formed." Maybe a fingerprint that "implies" a D? Experiment with a different font for the I, too.

#76: This is cool - makes me think of 8-bit gaming, while still current. I singled this one out vs. your other two because I like the use of color, and I like the dots matching the first word.
16 years ago
Here are some graphic elements that's I've seen in these logos so far that invoke the idea of "ID" in a way I like:

- Fingerprint
- ID badge
- ID/Luggage tag
- Barcode
- Dogtags
- "Person" icon

Anyone should feel free to incorporate those types of elements in your own design style (or maybe something nobody has thought of yet!)
16 years ago
#82: A really nice touch showing how this works on white, black, and a graphic background (I didn't rank those high, since I figured they were more for demonstration purposes, but it's nice to see the versatility of your design). I'd like to ask you to do the same thing I asked cogarzzz: try and incorporate the fingerprint as the letter "D" on your ID card. Maybe there's no way to make that work, but I'm seeing it in my mind and liking the concept.
16 years ago
Logo Designer
I'll give it a whirl... Also left you a hidden surprise in the fingerprint ;) (Hmm wonder what it could be)
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Hmmmm, I guess all fingerprints variations are already taken!
That's' all right, I may go and shoot myself, so hopefully some designers will follow me again.
16 years ago
General feedback: We want to avoid having the "gamer" and "ID" be the same case, because we don't want it to look like "Game Rid."

#89 and #96: Can I please see some different font choices? And on #96, please kill the shiny effect.

#94: My business partner liked this one, but I didn't. :) Maybe you could do some variations on this theme to make we we both like?

16 years ago
Logo Designer
as ur wish sir...
i'll be back with new variations
16 years ago
Logo Designer
XPU, wasnt we were copying you, Steve requested us to do so...

At least we are getting some nice various types of designs off this...Well look at me I've submitted more than usual number of entries for a contest and have to fend off you guys for another 12 days! haha Good luck to everyone
16 years ago
Logo Designer
No offense, just a bit more creativity won't heart anyone. Believe me, for those 12 days left on this contest the CH will recommend tens of other designers' ideas to be used as examples.
After all we're all graphic artists and not so much "do-what-I-said" clerks. We're the ones that suppose to show the CH the best way to his/her final logo piece, not the opposite!
16 years ago
No offense taken, xpu100! And I hope you won't be offended when I say that my philosophy on business has been that the customer is always right. ;)

That said, we all need to keep in mind that this is not the old situation where a customer signs a contract with one designer and says "do whatever you want." This is a new economic model where supply and demand meet under extremely efficient circumstances. I've got $400 available to the creator of the design I like best, and I'm doing my best to provide honest and open feedback about exactly what I like and don't like.

Nobody is forcing anyone to participate in this business model. Everybody here wants a specific outcome, but the sad reality is that that at the end of 14 days, there's only going to be one winner - and the most likely winner will be the designer who blends their talent with their ability to adapt to the needs of the customer.

16 years ago
#105: It's a bit too "busy." Scaled down, the text would be a bit hard to read...
16 years ago
#107: A bit too plain.
16 years ago
#108: I REALLY like the use of the M as a video game controller, but I'd like to see the whole thing a bit bigger, and maybe in blue or green. I'd also like to see the controller larger, and perhaps with a bit more detail (maybe some small buttons on it?)
16 years ago
Oh, and on #108, I don't understand the dot above the M...
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Steve. Explaining the dot on #108, it's main purpose is to be the player's face. The "M" is the upper torso. The "M" legs are the player's arms. Thanks!
16 years ago
Ahhh... gotit! It's a person! I see now!

But that also gave me the idea to envision a video game contoller as the letter M in "gamer" - so I'd love to see some designs that try to incorporate that!

16 years ago
Logo Designer
i submitted again with a bit diffrent fingerprinted "D", so how is it steve?
16 years ago
Logo Designer
and some new variation, hope u'll like it :)
16 years ago
Nice work, guys. Everyone is really stepping it up!

#111: This looks good, but I'm not crazy about that shade of green, or the font. Can you try a couple different shades?

#125: The GAMER text looks super cool. LOVE that font, the border, and the shading. But I think the print between the GAMER and ID breaks the two up too much. We want the "gamer" to flow right into the "id" conceptually. Maybe try moving the print to the other side, or going back to your "person" icon?

#114: Really like the scanner, but the green color is a bit too "lime" like. Same font issues as #111.

#124: LOVE the 8-bit font and border around the text, but the gloss effect and dark grey make it a bit too hard to read, especially if it's on a dark background.

#115: The print as the D is really cool - can you do this with a couple other fonts?
16 years ago
Logo Designer
u mean just the D or the GAMER too?
how about the green color, do you like it?
16 years ago
@cogarzz: Like that color green. I just mean the font on the "ID" - let's try some other ones?
16 years ago
#126: It's not obvious to me what the graphical element of the button has to do with the concept of "ID" or "identification." Also, the "ID" is too small compared to the "GAMER"

#127: Same question about the button with #126, and the entire text is too small to be used in various sizes.
16 years ago
Logo Designer
how about the theme of the ID?
ok steve maybe i'll try it on next 2 days, so i'll be back soon! :)
hope the entire rank wont going down...
16 years ago
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