GamerIDLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / GamerID

GamerID has selected their winning logo design.

For $400 they received 269 designs from 40 different designers from around the world.
Prefers others.
Prefers others.
Prefers others.


Logo Designer
#140 and #139 black and white variation of the concept
#141 explain the concept behind #140 and #139

this logo is easy to recognize, modern and cool it will give a strong brand to your business.
you'll be able to use for web, print, mugs, t-shirts.....

For further devellopment or specific needs you'll be able to make the character smiling, being angry....

tell me if the directions suits your needs

Best regards

Manuel Garnier
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Also I hesitated to use footprint, but at the last moment I have chosen not to, because game is all about fun and footprint is to strongly associated to the Police, which means control and anti-fun. Your project sounds good and I bet it will be welcomed warmly by the gamer communities. Anyway tell me if you absolutly need a footprint.



Manuel Garnier
16 years ago
Logo Designer
erratum : replace footprint by fingerprint
16 years ago
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