Funky RusticLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Funky Rustic

Funky Rustic has selected their winning logo design.

For $500 they received 162 designs from 45 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

United States
What We Do
Full game audio studio headquartered in Austin, Texas
Color Preferences
Oranges, browns, reds, black, white, greys, greens...generally darker colors. Not all of course, use your best judgment.


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1 2 3 1 ... 3 Next >


#1 thanks for the entry, but it's a little to military.
16 years ago
#2 We like how you incorporate different elements/styles. overall the logo is dated. We would like to see something more modern. The 'rustic' font needs to be more rustic. Lose the wave. Good start.

#5 Good idea, but too heavy on the classy side.

#3, #4, #5 Good start with the funky, needs more rustic.

#8, #9 too plain/simple

#10 Too coroporate.

#6, #7 like the rustic, needs more funky. on #6 don't emphasize the rustic with the larger font.
16 years ago
#11 unique idea with the headphones on the globe. However the colors you chose make it difficult to discern what it is without staring at it for a while. Incorporate more rustic elements please. Your logo pops compared to all the rest, Good start.
16 years ago
#4 is growing on me. try it with some different color combinations staying away from lighter blues pinks and purples. Remember we requested a darker more rustic pallet. oranges, rusts, maroon, burgandy, golds, darker greens and blues. See what you can do with that.
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Thx,.. i will make revision for color & submit another logo
16 years ago
#10 it's too bad you withdrew, we were going to tell you that we thought it was clever that you incorporated the F and R into the logo and maybe go with that. If you come back, we'd like to see what else you've got.
16 years ago
#12 now that we can see it better, the graphic you chose is more 'corporate telecommunications' rather than 'game audio'. We'd still like to see more rustic elements in the logo.

#13 Unique idea, it has plent of 'funky' but no ' rustic'. the rustic font is too grafitti

#23 the rustic part of your logo is too futuristic and urban. resembles handcuffs. Overall idea is imaginative. keep going down that road.

#21 you've followed our directions more than anyone else. We like the use of color, however it's too busy, the font resemble broadway lights, and other than the colors, there isn't any rustic quality to it.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Funky Rustic Please keep specific feedback posted to the designers page. To access the designer's page simply double click the artwork which will take you to the designer's page... ere you can view all the designer's submissions and post comments and critiques

15 years ago
I think either is possible Gerasidi. The end result would be ideal as a vector single color but also a high resolution bitmap.
15 years ago
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