Freakin' Awesome EntertainmentLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Freakin' Awesome Entertainment

Freakin' Awesome Entertainment has selected their winning logo design.

For $350 they received 106 designs from 17 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

United States
"That's Freakin' Awesome!"
What We Do
Mobile DJ Business
Color Preferences
Loud, Visible, Bright, Fun, Neon, was experimenting with black and hot pink but am open to new suggestions.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
I am a high end entertainment company specializing in entertainment and DJ services right now. Freakin' Awesome is my Brand though, as I branch into other areas I want my logo to be malleable and useful in other areas if I decide to branch out into other service businesses across every sector. I don't want speakers or microphones or anything that will stick out as just a DJ company. I want this logo to be practical to use. I would like to be able to easily reduce it to cheaply imprint merchandise, I would like to be able to letter my vehicles with cut vinyl. I would like to be able to swap out the word "Entertainment" with "Incorporated" or whatever. I would like to be able to make simple flyers myself without having to licence a special font from an agency that is holding me hostage. Even though I want simple to use, that doesn't mean I want bland. The logo that is going to win this tournament is the one that causes somebody to say, "That's Freakin' Awesome" when they see it.

Note to all designers: The entry that wins this contest may just be the one that completely ignores my sliders and most of the information in the brief and just makes me a logo that everybody will agree is Freakin' Awesome. I am hiring you because you are artists with your own ideas. Feel free to explore the possibilities. The first time I ever had a logo done for a business the designer asked me exactly what I wanted. I answered every question not knowing what sort of impact it would have on the final product. An awesome designer made me the terrible logo I asked for. I didn't get want any outlines on the lettering or the 3D effect, I wanted all these minute details nobody could see... The logo only looked good in a few applications. The customer doesn't always know what they want. I can't make all the decisions along the way. If I could, I would make my own logo first and hire somebody to refine it. I am hiring you guys because you know what to do. Pick some colors and concepts YOU like and blow me away with your original concept. ---------------------------------What about a high energy mark that gives a feeling of excitement and joy? Something, anything, some symbol that will convey the emotion in the statement "That's Freakin' Awesome"


Order by
Entry Number









































































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I appreciate the design and these are some interesting ideas I could never have thought of on my own. Keep in mind though, I may not know exactly how to set all my sliders perfectly, but the over-arching theme is that the logo must be Freakin' Awesome. Somebody has to look at it and say, "That's a Freakin' Awesome Logo!" While #1,2,3 and 4 are nice, they don't quite do it. Don't be afraid to use more color, gradients, shadow, effects, subtle 3-D. Just make sure that when all is said and done I can have the basic recognizable shape cut out of a few colors of vinyl or reduced to 1 or 2 simple colors by altering the color in the vector lines etc. Don't get too crazy though because my logo must be readable. I don't want people to strain to see what it says.
14 years ago
I can only comment from my phone, I will update rankings as soon as I get to a desk... I like entry #5 and will probably rank it as 2nd... a general comment though, I chose my top design (#2) based on design and not because it was pink and black. Feel free to use new colors and if in the end I want pink and black but like your design I can request a color change. Please express your artistic abilities. Have fun, and make a Freakin' Awesome logo guys.
14 years ago
Edit: duplicate post removed
14 years ago
I want to be able to use this logo for industries other than just DJ, so no headhphones, microphones or speakers. I want it to be malleable and adaptable for other ventures. I am pretty sure I put that in my description, if not I apologize for wasting your time.

I admire your creativity though. You are going after the concept of Freakin' Awesome.
14 years ago
Great use of color in #34! I don't know if the design is exactly what I want but the color is so sharp I had to rank it high! I'm not even sure those are "The" colors, but it's just so refreshing to see another color in the mix.
14 years ago
#28 is very unique. I like it a lot! These new variations are getting me thinking.
14 years ago
I don't like the design on #14 but I love the concept. If it was more polished it might be the one.
14 years ago
My friends have been asking to see something with some Greens in it. Maybe blue as well, but definitely green.
14 years ago
Keep in mind, this is a completely new start up company. Your new ideas might spark a change in my ideas. If I chose #24 I would change my slogan to "We're the Bomb!"

Due to a vanity number I have a slogan I often use is: "Just. Dial. Awesome."

A logo could incorporate the fact that my telephone number spells the word awesome
You could have phone keys with just the letters in the word awesome and the number spelling out the word awesome
14 years ago
#40, great color choice, awesome look.
14 years ago
I haven't seen any word-marks yet. One designer has given some pictorial-marks that are growing on me. For the most part these are pretty bland. Very very very very good, but somewhat plain. There has yet to be an entry that caused me to exclaim, "That's Freakin' Awesome"

That being said, I could throw a dart at my computer screen and have a better logo than any DJ company in town. If I ended the competition now and picked one it would be money well spent. I just can't wait to see what will come next. Thank you all for working so hard for me. I can't wait until my friends who I sent invites to start ranking the submissions.
14 years ago
Please notice a new contest attachment. My friend made this for me and then suggested I go to logo tournament instead to a get a logo because that's where he got his. I liked his logo he bought on logotournament, and wasn't happy with the font he used for the attached logo so I decided to go here. I only included it to spark new ideas because it is a concept nobody has explored yet, the 1990's acid-washed totally awesome style. Please do not remake that logo. If I wanted that logo I would have asked tim to remake it. Instead I wanted something more professional looking like what tim bought from this site. See his logo at:

Again, I don't want a remake of his logo either, I just want to inspire creativity and new ideas.
14 years ago
#40, #39, #31 etc.

I like your style and the new colors but something isn't setting right with the round design, almost looks like FP or EP instead of FA. I like your style, and I like your color usage, but deep down I know I am not going to choose this round emblem as my final logo.
14 years ago
I'm sure you guys have noticed the arrow hidden in the FedEx logo in the negative space right? Genius! I'm hoping somebody here has that kind of "Eureka" Idea for me.
14 years ago
I am going to comment on every single design here so you all can see the method behind the madness
#1, #2, #3
I like how the F and the A fit together perfectly. I didn't even see the A at first. Now that I see it, it's all I see, and I only see the F when I look at design #3. I like how simple it is. I like that it can be reproduced in any format in any medium used for anything. I can cut it in vinyl, I can imprint it. It's great! I don't like how "freakin' awesome" is lower case. I think at least the first letters need caps, or a different fatter more modern font if you are going to go lowercase
I like the green in #1 but would have to see it with a black F to be sure.
14 years ago
#4 is nice. Again, very useable... I have always like Symmetry, but for some reason I just don't like the abstractness of it. It kinda reminds me of a cattle brand or something I would find on a truck stop sign. I don't like how it looks like there is an extra F, like FAF or something.
14 years ago
#5, #6, #7 and #8
I like how the F fits perfectly over the A and there is a clean split down the middle. Symmetry is also nice. I like the simplicity of the design, very usuable. I also like how #5 has the emblem or lettermark to the left. I think that will make a great website header. I hope my final logo will be malleable enough to be able to put the text centered under and to the right of the logo like that so I can have nice letterhead and website headers/banner ads, plus a cool way to letter the box of my pickup. I still like the centered look because it works better for vans and business cards.
14 years ago
#11. I like the way everything fits together, but matte finish and the star cut-out don't do it for me.
14 years ago
#12. I really like the sheen and the way there is that glint or shine mark on the A. I like the shadow too. NIce thing about the shadow is it adds that professional design and 3D depth to things but can easily be eliminated in order to use it for imprinting, cut vinyl, etc. Very elegant but also very simple at it's core.
14 years ago
#13. I don't even know what it is about this that I like. I just know I really like it. The color makes it stand out a bit, the structure of it just looks like a professional logo. One can easily see it's a combination of the letters F and A, the overal design is still simple and easy to use, but it looks complete and professional, glimmering. Nice.
14 years ago
#14. Very good idea. A little cliche', but cliche' can be good. Simple, easy to use design, but it has no pizazz. The exclamation point is the only outstanding thing about it. So far my friends like it, but it doesn't speak to me like #13 does.
14 years ago
Simple, original, well laid out. It's not quite the one, but I like it. I think the contest is better because you entered a new idea even though that idea isn't my top pic.
14 years ago
Interesting, hidden in plain sight. Nice. Very modern unique look as well. This logo doesn't quite grab me but I will keep looking it over because there is something interesting about it. I love the way you break away from the pack.
14 years ago
#17, very nice. I like the searchlights in the background. Gives it the idea that it's something prestigious being presented. Nice touch. Makes the FA not as readable but still it's good.
14 years ago
#18. Genius! As if somebody is saying "Freakin' Awesome" Simple design, almost too simple, but a design like this has to be simple. It stands out as a very noticeable entry amongst the pack. The concept is genius.
14 years ago
#19. Great combination of #17 and #18. As if somebody is unveiling my company to much fanfare and the response is, "Freakin' Awesome!"
14 years ago
#20 and #21. Nice, simple and easy but not bland. I like the way you hid an F and an A in a pyramid. Pyramid logos are common, chances are you spent some of your money somewhere that has a pyramid in it's logo today. By mocking that trend I may subconsciously gain acceptance because this symbol is in so many large companies logos.

#22 and #23 made the F more obvious but I just didn't like the logo turned like that. Some of them can be turned but that one didn't look right turned.
14 years ago
#24 and #25. Again, Genius! What a way to get Freakin' Awesome across without grounding the logo to a DJ business. Freakin' Awesome, We're the Bomb!

I like #24 much better. The little bit of pink on the fuse is perfect. I don't like the pink bomb.
14 years ago
#26. Great! I like the little explosion or blast. My friend saw it and it caught him out of the corner of his eye. He said it's the first entry that is breaking things up a bit. He didn't even notice it was an explosion at first, it just looked like there were slashes through part of the A and he liked that it was breaking away from the norm.
14 years ago
#27. Good concept, clean design, simple. There's just not enough there though.
14 years ago
#28, nice sheen, nice shadow, very unique design. It stands out still after all the other entries.
14 years ago
#29. This logo appeals to me. I like how the F is full and unobstructed and fits perfectly with the diagonal "digital clock" cut to form an A. I like that this is the first time I noticed anybody stacking Freakin' on top of Awesome. I like them stacked and I don't like them stacked at the same time. Everything is spaced great to fit very nicely, but it's almost too tall.
14 years ago
#30. I like the sheen but there is something weird about the way this is put together. I also like that the F is on top and you can see it first. Maybe if you made the right leg of the A grey as well? I just don't understand which parts are supposed to be the A and which parts are not. If you put all the pink pieces together it looks like a large wide A, but you can put the right pink leg and the left grey leg together to make a skinny A. It is a little confusing but still it draws the eye.
14 years ago
#31, #34, #35. So very thankful to see new colors. The style is good. Something isn't quite right though. Don't like the incomplete circle in #35 though.
14 years ago
#36 and #38. Great use of negative space! I am glad to see unique ideas rolling into this contest. You are stirring the pot. I like the green in #38 but not as it's displayed. Try to build a theme off that color instead of just adding it in.
14 years ago
#37. I love the way it locks together. This is a great idea. It doesn't depart from #36 and #38 too much but it's it's own new idea and I like it. I like the way they lock together, you get a full F but the shape as a whole is an A. Great idea!
14 years ago
#39 and #40. I like how the design has changed and grown bolder I love the new colors in #40. The 3D effect is ominous with a brilliant sheen coming from the contact point at the "ground". The colors in #39 are good too. I keep flip flopping about which I like better. I still can't see myself picking this as the final design just because it's not quite doing it for me. Another downside of this 3D is it will complicate my imprinting, vinyl cutting and van lettering, shirt stitching and embroidery etc. I would have to have my sign shop reverse engineer it and make a basic vector outline for me after the fact. Something I'm willing to do if the final logo knocks me out of my seat, but it must knock me out of my seat for me to choose a logo that will be hard to work with.
14 years ago
Note to all designers: The entry that wins this contest may just be the one that completely ignores my sliders and most of the information in the brief and just makes me a logo that everybody will agree is Freakin' Awesome. I am hiring you because you are artists with your own ideas. Feel free to explore the possibilities. The first time I ever had a logo done for a business the designer asked me exactly what I wanted. I answered every question not knowing what sort of impact it would have on the final product. An awesome designer made me the terrible logo I asked for. I didn't get want any outlines on the lettering or the 3D effect, I wanted all these minute details nobody could see... The logo only looked good in a few applications. The customer doesn't always know what they want. I can't make all the decisions along the way. If I could, I would make my own logo first and hire somebody to refine it. I am hiring you guys because you know what to do. Pick some colors and concepts YOU like and blow me away with your original concept.
14 years ago
#41. The pink and blue look good together. I still really like this logo. Don't be afraid to try completely new color schemes, if anything, it will just solidify in my mind that I want a pink and black theme even though some might think it's "emo".
14 years ago
#42. The pink and green. At first I didn't like it but they do go well together. Still not sure
14 years ago
#43. An improvement. This pops much better
14 years ago
#44. Nice color scheme. Not quite right but I like the way you are setting it up. Black background eliminates the drop shadow which was nice, but a white background will bring it back again.
14 years ago
#45. It will be hard to top the version of this with the pink fuse. A different color for the bomb or letters might be needed, or maybe keep the pink fuse and use the green (or blue) elsewhere in this design.
14 years ago
#46. This simplicity of this design is great. Thank you for the alternate color scheme. It would cause a loss of the drop shadow, but I think this green bubble would look great against a black background.
14 years ago
#47. Thank you for expanding the colors, I like the gloss on this one. This is a good design. It kinda makes me think of super mario bros. and the transformers though. I don't know why. I still like it though, it's interesting and has good symmetry.

Note to designers: I have mentioned symmetry a lot but I still appreciate a-symmetrical designs as well. They give a little more of a chaos feel and a lot of awesome things are chaotic and a little bit dangerous even if they turn out good in the end.
14 years ago
#48. I like it. You could define the F more by painting the right leg of the A the same color as the bump in the middle. Nice work though.
14 years ago
#51. Better, very clean, still not quite it though.
14 years ago
#52. Very good work. Now we're talking. The F is much more visible in this one, and the A is hidden in the negative space. The dot will tell people to look for the A, and although they might not find it right away, it's there. Very Nice.
14 years ago
#53. I like it. Easy to see what's going on. I think the A is too short though.
14 years ago
#54. I didn't like it at first but it is growing on me. I like the sheen, the subtle tilt ads depth but doesn't complicate. Looks like something I could get made into a necklace and wear.
14 years ago
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