Ergates ConstructionLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / Ergates Construction
Ergates Construction has selected their winning logo design.
For $675 they received 240 designs
from 32 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Design Brief
What We Do
Color Preferences
Muted orange or dark yellow. Grey and/or black base color.
Sample color schemes:
Sample color schemes:
Our Ideas & Additional Information
Leaning towards a 'ranch' style logo but not overly Cowboy. By 'ranch', we mean arching lettering with an accompanying logo mark. The style/font of lettering should lean towards country and away from technology.
With the name of the company being "Ergates Construction", the logo mark will consist of the letters "EC" and should be somewhat independent and be able to stand on its own. Meaning, if we wanted to place the logo mark ("EC") on a hat, it would lend itself to this. Yet, when the overall logo sits together, it should do so seamlessly.
A key feature of the logo will be for us to use the logo in a couple formats:
1. The full logo displayed (i.e. on a car, building..etc)
2. Only the logo mark ("EC" in our case) as an independent graphic for shirts, hats..etc
To help you understand our desired layout, we've attached a very general layout that speaks to this. This file is not meant to guide the design, but to show how the elements should roughly be laid out. Designers should feel free to bring their own style and vision to this design.
With the name of the company being "Ergates Construction", the logo mark will consist of the letters "EC" and should be somewhat independent and be able to stand on its own. Meaning, if we wanted to place the logo mark ("EC") on a hat, it would lend itself to this. Yet, when the overall logo sits together, it should do so seamlessly.
A key feature of the logo will be for us to use the logo in a couple formats:
1. The full logo displayed (i.e. on a car, building..etc)
2. Only the logo mark ("EC" in our case) as an independent graphic for shirts, hats..etc
To help you understand our desired layout, we've attached a very general layout that speaks to this. This file is not meant to guide the design, but to show how the elements should roughly be laid out. Designers should feel free to bring their own style and vision to this design.