Hi Huma - we're going to select this as the winner now. When you send files, please also send the dark background version (#240) as well.
One other request. Can you also send over the ERGATES font/text in the same treatment you used but without the curvature. If we ever need it to use on a horizontal (non-curved) path, we'd like to be able to do this.
If you can post these versions (both light background and dark background) we should be good! Then, I'll select one of them as the winner with the assumption you'll send over both vector versions when you are selected as the winner.
Hey Huma - Just a couple requests that we wanted to try out previously (see feedback for logo #216. We're almost ready to select yours as the final logo but if we can see these samples below, that should be enough. Please review.
We'd like to see the text "ERGATES" increased in size. WE know that this text helps complete a circular pattern within the logo but we want to see if increasing the size might help ERGATES stand out a bit more.
If the lower part of the logo ("EC" circle) needed to decrease in size slightly to help the "ERGATES{ text stand out that would be ok, but we'll leave it up to whether this makes sense or not.
In the end, we want to make sure that "ERGATES" stands out enough so that it will be visible and readable even in a smaller size or from far away.
Note: Once we see this example of slightly larger ERGATES to see if it works, we'll have two other requests when we select you as the winner. They will be:
1. Though we'll be selecting the white version as the final logo, we'll also want the version of the logo with a dark background - with the same dimensions but the text and elements will be white like you've been doing for the dark background versions.
2. One other file that we'd like when you send your final files over is the ERGATES text that would be written horizontally with no curvature just in case we needed to use the text alone.
Hi Huma. You will be our selection for the winner of the tournament. We’re looking for a couple of adjustments which will be a blend of these two logos. Basically we want:
+ The Stars to be included on both version (where and dark background)
+ The line pattern where from the version with dark background logo (and place these on the white background version)
+ Increased size of “ERGATES” text as shown in the logo with the white background.
+ Smaller circle (and “EC” text) to make room for the stars.
In the end, we want the same structure of logo but have both versions so that we can place on a light colored or dark colored background. After blending these two logs with our feedback in the image above we should be good.
Hi Huma. You will be our selection for the winner of the tournament. We’re looking for a couple of adjustments which will be a blend of these two logos. Basically we want:
+ The Stars to be included on both version (where and dark background)
+ The line pattern where from the version with dark background logo (and place these on the white background version)
+ Increased size of “ERGATES” text as shown in the logo with the white background.
+ Smaller circle (and “EC” text) to make room for the stars.
In the end, we want the same structure of logo but have both versions so that we can place on a light colored or dark colored background. After blending these two logs with our feedback in the image above we should be good.
Same for this one. Can we see a variation where (some) white is used for the "EC" letters? It looks very nice but using more white in the "EC" could make it pop a bit more.
1. Text Size:
For both, we’re thinking that the “ERGATES” text needs to stand out a bit more though. Perhaps we can increase the size of the text a bit? Not sure, so we will leave that up to you knowing that if the text size increases, that will change some of the symmetrical layout that you created. Also, because we want the “ERGATES” text to stand out, maybe the “EC” text becomes more subdued as we intended.
2. Colors:
Can you try your logo n dark orange and grey. We find that these colors work. Here is an example of the Orange and Grey color we are looking for: http://jiv.bz/lZZp (not interested in this design, just showing you the colors)
3. Style of the letters “EC”
Can we see a couple more variations of the style of the letters “EC”. We think they look nice but we’re curious how a different style might look. Because this letter combination (“EC”) will be independent at times (hat, shirt, other location..etc) we think it will be important that the viewer will be able to readily determine that that there is an EC combination.
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Best regards,
One other request. Can you also send over the ERGATES font/text in the same treatment you used but without the curvature. If we ever need it to use on a horizontal (non-curved) path, we'd like to be able to do this.
Thank you!
If you can post these versions (both light background and dark background) we should be good! Then, I'll select one of them as the winner with the assumption you'll send over both vector versions when you are selected as the winner.
Sound good?
Let me know if you have any questions.
We'd like to see the text "ERGATES" increased in size. WE know that this text helps complete a circular pattern within the logo but we want to see if increasing the size might help ERGATES stand out a bit more.
If the lower part of the logo ("EC" circle) needed to decrease in size slightly to help the "ERGATES{ text stand out that would be ok, but we'll leave it up to whether this makes sense or not.
In the end, we want to make sure that "ERGATES" stands out enough so that it will be visible and readable even in a smaller size or from far away.
Note: Once we see this example of slightly larger ERGATES to see if it works, we'll have two other requests when we select you as the winner. They will be:
1. Though we'll be selecting the white version as the final logo, we'll also want the version of the logo with a dark background - with the same dimensions but the text and elements will be white like you've been doing for the dark background versions.
2. One other file that we'd like when you send your final files over is the ERGATES text that would be written horizontally with no curvature just in case we needed to use the text alone.
+ The Stars to be included on both version (where and dark background)
+ The line pattern where from the version with dark background logo (and place these on the white background version)
+ Increased size of “ERGATES” text as shown in the logo with the white background.
+ Smaller circle (and “EC” text) to make room for the stars.
See this image for instructions: http://jiv.bz/sGgQ6
In the end, we want the same structure of logo but have both versions so that we can place on a light colored or dark colored background. After blending these two logs with our feedback in the image above we should be good.
+ The Stars to be included on both version (where and dark background)
+ The line pattern where from the version with dark background logo (and place these on the white background version)
+ Increased size of “ERGATES” text as shown in the logo with the white background.
+ Smaller circle (and “EC” text) to make room for the stars.
See this image for instructions: http://jiv.bz/sGgQ6
In the end, we want the same structure of logo but have both versions so that we can place on a light colored or dark colored background. After blending these two logs with our feedback in the image above we should be good.
Our concern is that the black "EC" text could get lost if we were to use a colored background within the circle.
For both, we’re thinking that the “ERGATES” text needs to stand out a bit more though. Perhaps we can increase the size of the text a bit? Not sure, so we will leave that up to you knowing that if the text size increases, that will change some of the symmetrical layout that you created. Also, because we want the “ERGATES” text to stand out, maybe the “EC” text becomes more subdued as we intended.
2. Colors:
Can you try your logo n dark orange and grey. We find that these colors work. Here is an example of the Orange and Grey color we are looking for: http://jiv.bz/lZZp (not interested in this design, just showing you the colors)
3. Style of the letters “EC”
Can we see a couple more variations of the style of the letters “EC”. We think they look nice but we’re curious how a different style might look. Because this letter combination (“EC”) will be independent at times (hat, shirt, other location..etc) we think it will be important that the viewer will be able to readily determine that that there is an EC combination.