We like how ERGATES is up top and EC below because "EC" does also not overpower the name of the company.
That being said, we would like more of a Ranch style, more rustic. The best way to explain what a ‘Ranch’ Style is would be to type in “Ranch Style Logos” into Google and you will see a rough idea of a more western style that we are after versus a logo that leans towards a modern and tech-oriented feel. It should not feel overly 'western' but should have an underlying 'ranch' feel to it.
Perhaps by adding some additional design elements that brings this ‘Ranch’ style in. So maybe less 'sporty' and 'hip', and lean more towards 'rustic'.
Feel free to play with the text style/font and other design elements that might convey the feel we're looking for. ;)
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That being said, we would like more of a Ranch style, more rustic. The best way to explain what a ‘Ranch’ Style is would be to type in “Ranch Style Logos” into Google and you will see a rough idea of a more western style that we are after versus a logo that leans towards a modern and tech-oriented feel. It should not feel overly 'western' but should have an underlying 'ranch' feel to it.
Perhaps by adding some additional design elements that brings this ‘Ranch’ style in. So maybe less 'sporty' and 'hip', and lean more towards 'rustic'.
Feel free to play with the text style/font and other design elements that might convey the feel we're looking for. ;)
thank you