Having both a repair and consulting divisions, half of our company responsibility is reviewing project drawings and blueprints. It's a fairly obvious take, but I should have included that as an idea in the main brief. If you want to explore a few blueprint-themed designs, here are a few images to give you an idea of the color scheme and technical detail:
http://arrowheadaddict.com/files/2009/01/blueprint.jpghttp://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20060106100114/swg/images/1/1c/Coronet_Skyscraper_Blueprint.jpghttp://www.istockphoto.com/file_thumbview_approve/869147/2/istockphoto_869147-mechanical-blueprint-1-vector.jpgIt would be interesting to see a few blueprint-themed logos before making our final decision.
Very impressed with the quality of work displayed so far. Your community has already provided some excellent designs with all ranges of concepts and creativity and we are very appreciative.