Canadian Association of Medical Teams AbroadLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Canadian Association of Medical Teams Abroad

Canadian Association of Medical Teams Abroad has selected their winning logo design.

For $400 they received 258 designs from 33 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

Health and Hope for a New Tomorrow
What We Do
We are a team of volunteer health care professionals and lay people that help provide medical and surgical care to those in need in the developing world.
Color Preferences
The same red as found in the Canadian flag. A deep royal blue would be the second colour.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
Our website is Our blog is Pictures from a mission can be viewed at:

We wish to enhance capacity in the developing world in the course of providing healthcare. We work side by side with local health care providers. We leave behind both knowledge and equipment to help the local doctors and nurses continue to care after we return home. Most of all we desire to leave a renewed sense of hope in our patients. It is also important to note that we take along volunteers who are not medical people. They are students and translators and others who can help in many ways with our work. Mission participants have often stated they are changed forever by the grateful response of the patient's we help. And a goal of CAMTA is that our mission participants will return with us or with other organizations and continue to help others in the developing world for the rest of their lives.
One of our members has provided the following general comments:
- would a book somewhere in the logo suggest teaching, knowledge? CAMTA teaches as well as performs surgery during our missions.
- Is there any way to suggest that ultimately we want to be a multi-disciplinary team…ortho, plastics, obstetrics, family medicine…etc? Maybe a collection of symbols could imply this multidisciplinary concept:…crutches, hearts, syringes, books, prescription symbol, stethoscope, bandaids, tensor bandaids, BP cuff, clipboard, hospital sign pointing to CAMTA, etc?
- What about helping hands across the maple leaf – one hand reaching for another?
- What about stick figures – doctors/nurses/physios – stethoscopes/caps/clipboards around them?
- What about picking some medical symbols from above, putting them in a circle around the maple leaf (with the Symbol of Aesclepius in it) and writing CAMTA below?


Order by
Entry Number













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#1 I would like to see less black and more blue in the colors.
#2 I would like to see less black and more blue in the colors.
Please also see comments entered under each logo.
There are three of us reviewing entries so sorry if some of the comments might overlap.
But we are REALLY EXCITED about having a new logo now that we are seeing some entries!
Thanks for your efforts to rebrand CAMTA!
15 years ago
We would like to ask all entrants to use the official red color of the Canadian Flag -- below is material from Wikipedia. I hope it helps! Thanks.
JL Secretary CAMTA

The colours 0/100/100/0 in the CMYK process, PMS032 (flag red 100%), or PMS485 (used for screens) in the Pantone colour specifier can be used when reproducing the flag.[5] In 1984, the National Flag of Canada Manufacturing Standards Act was passed to unify the standards used for flying the flag both indoors and outdoors.[12]
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Reminder - posting entry references should follow entry # not rank #.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Are you seriously limited to 2 colours?
15 years ago
Intrepidguppy -- thanks for your question. Our members preferred red and white from the Canadian Flag. There was a preference for blue by a smaller number. However if you have some great ideas -- please feel free to add them. Thanks everyone.

I have removed rankings to unbias selection. I 'm going to ask our executive members to rank the submissions so far and then I will post tomorrow morning a new ranking of all submitted entries and the comments from the executive. Please check tomorrow morning for an update.

I am finding this process exciting and thank you all for participating and continuing to participate!!
JL Secretary
15 years ago
Logo Designer
My point is - are you limited print-wise to a few colours? Some companies prefer a logo that can be made into 2 or 3 colours.
15 years ago
Hi Intrepidguppy. To clarify -- no we aren't limited in our printing! And after discussion tonight we want to see what other colours might do for our brand.

Also -- here's a link for all competitors about the Symbol of Aesclepius which is a traditional symbol of the healing arts:
JL Secretary of CAMTA
15 years ago
And to all participants on our competition - - The rankings have been updated based on the consensus of six board members. There was a general feeling that we prefer darker royal blue. We are willing to try more than just the two colors. We seem to like the use of the Asclepius symbol -- see link in comment above. Thanks!
JL Secretary of CAMTA
15 years ago
Here are some general comments from one member:
- Would a book somewhere in the logo suggest teaching, knowledge? CAMTA teaches as well as performs surgery during our missions.
- Is there any way to suggest that ultimately we want to be a multi-disciplinary team…ortho, plastics, obstetrics, family medicine…etc? Maybe a collection of symbols…crutches, hearts, syringes, books, prescription symbol, stethoscope, bandaids, tensor bandaids, BP cuff, clipboard, hospital sign pointing to CAMTA, etc?
- What about using helping hands across the maple leaf – one hand reaching for another?
- What about stick figures – doctors/nurses/physios – stethoscopes/caps/clipboards around them?
- What about picking some medical symbols from above, putting them in a circle around the maple leaf (with the Symbol of Aesclepius in it) and writing CAMTA below?
15 years ago
Comments on existing logos:
#15 – try doing “CAMTA” and “Canadian Association of Medical Teams Abroad” in blue…try putting the Symbol of Aesclepius after CAMTA as an explanation point.

#20 – try intertwining a stethoscope around the blue band going around the maple leaf…color “CAMTA” and “Canadian Association of Medical Teams Abroad” the same – try blue and then black.

#22 – try making “Canadian Association of Medical Teams Abroad” a little bolder.

#26 – try making the stethoscope black so that it shows up better.
15 years ago
HI All,
This creative stuff is tough for people who are health care and not designers!
Thanks you all for your efforts!
We are now think we would sooner have a stethoscope instead of a snake of healing (aesclepius or caduceus).
The stethoscope is something used by many health care professionals whereas the snake of healing represents doctors too much. Since our members are doctors, nurses, respiratory therapists and also lay people it is perhaps best we don't have the caduceus.
We had forgotten to emphasize to you that we are also using this logo to embroider on our baby blue coloured scrub uniforms. Thus there is a need for contrast between the logo and the colour of baby blue.
JL Secretary
15 years ago
The polar bear can be a symbol of Canada as can the Inukshuk.
Here are some links to images of each:


Would anybody try those out for a CAMTA logo?
JL Secretary
15 years ago
I can't seem to find Entry # 82 - can anyone help me with that? Thanks! BM Treasurer/CAMTA
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Can we please have an update why the contest was extended?
15 years ago
We are working with a large number of people and want to make the best choice possible. As the contest neared it's end point, we felt that we were getting lots of new and very good ideas and we wanted to give that process it's due course.
Thanks! BM
15 years ago
#132 I can't seem to find this design in either the current rankings or the Not Interested category? If this was your design will you please put it back - we have a couple of people who are interested in it.
Thanks! BM Treasurer/CAMTA
15 years ago
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