#37. Thank you so much for this entry. There now seems to be a liking within our executive to NOT have the caduceus or snake of healing as part of the logo. A stethoscope that is simple but looks nice might be better? Could you try a red like the Canadian flag has? Could you lower the profile so the maple leaf doesn't stick up so far? Thanks so much to the two of you for your interest and your offer of the donation if you win! JL Secretary CAMTA
#46 Hi JR2, This design feels like there is too much red in it...can you try to make some changes...maybe letters in blue, no background color, maple leaf in one A, globe in the second A? Thanks for your efforts! BM Treasurer/CAMTA
#80 Hi JR2, Thanks for your new designs! I've had positive feedback on #80 but requests that the continents be a little more clearly defined. Thanks! BM Treasurer/CAMTA
#47 Hi - I know that you had this design with a red background and white letters early on in the competition; one of our members would like to take another look at it. Thanks! BM/CAMTA
#204 and #205 These are interesting. Can you make the red truer to the red of the Canadian maple leaf usually seen, one with and one without the slight fading? Can you do something to show the international concept? Can you spell CAMTA out? Thanks! BM/Treasurer
#204 and #205 These are interesting. Can you make the red truer to the red of the Canadian maple leaf usually seen, one with and one without the slight fading? Can you do something to show the international concept? Can you spell CAMTA out? Thanks! BM/Treasurer
Hi again - here is some information about the red of the Canadian flag. From Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_flag The colours 0/100/100/0 in the CMYK process, PMS032 (flag red 100%), or PMS485 (used for screens) in the Pantone colour specifier can be used when reproducing the flag.[5] In 1984, the National Flag of Canada Manufacturing Standards Act was passed to unify the standards used for flying the flag both indoors and outdoors.[12]